Sec. 1-13.01. Purpose.
   The purposes of this chapter are;
   (a)   To eliminate the possibility of corruption or the appearance of corruption in local elections, arising as a result of disproportionately large political contributions, by adopting the least restrictive limits possible on the amounts of money any person may contribute or otherwise cause to be available to candidates for the City Council and those who support or oppose such candidates; and
   (b)   To promote informed actions by the electors of the City by requiring the full and truthful disclosure of contributions and expenditures in election campaigns; and
   (c)   To inhibit improper or illegal campaign activity, and to provide for enforcement of this chapter; and
   (d)   Pursuant to California Government Code Section 81013, and Elections Code Section 10202, to impose contribution limitations, disclosure requirements, and prohibitions in addition to those imposed by state law, but that do not prevent any person from complying with state law.
(§ 3, Ord. 1592-NS, eff. December 21, 2013)