(A)   Any private street with an access control gate shall have a minimum uninterrupted pavement width of 30 feet at the location of the access control device. All restricted access gates shall be approved by the Fire, Public Works and Police Department and meet access requirements for emergency vehicles. Entry codes for gates shall be provided to the Police Department and updated as necessary. Construction plans for access gates must be submitted for review and approval by the city in accordance herewith.
   (B)   There shall be neither exposed gears nor overhead electrical wiring in any gate system. Electric gates shall be equipped with a single key, city-approved emergency access system designed to open and lock open both the entry and exit gates. The key switch shall be installed in a location approved by the Fire Department. In addition, a system key controlled “fail safe” mechanism shall be installed to allow the gate to be manually opened in the event of a power or mechanical failure. All fittings for system padlocks shall have a minimum one-half inch diameter hole. The city-approved control access system shall be operational and pass inspections of both the Chief Building Official as well as the Chief of the Fire Department before the gate may be placed in operation.
   (C)   Secondary emergency access gates shall be equipped with city-approved emergency access system padlocks and shall be unobstructed at all times. These gates shall be equipped with a positive mechanical latch to lock them in the open position. All fire lane width, turning radius, setback and turnaround requirements of this chapter shall apply to the portion of the private street where the gate is installed.
   (D)   Overhead barriers shall not be allowed.
   (E)   Internal storage for three vehicles shall be provided between the right-of-way line and the point of the access control device. An additional setback between the point of the access control device and the access gate shall be required to allow a vehicle that is denied access to safely turn around and exit onto a public street.
   (F)   On lots adjacent to access gates, screening walls may exceed 30 inches in height, up to a maximum of eight feet within the front yard setback of the adjacent lot. Such wall shall be constructed of wrought iron with brick columns. Solid fencing panels shall not be allowed.
(Ord. 08-29, passed 10-21-2009)