(A)   Private streets shall be designed in accordance with the city’s Comprehensive Plan, these subdivision regulations, design standards and all other applicable development standards as prescribed and utilized by the city.
   (B)   The development plan shall not impede the current or future street circulation needs of the area, especially any needed collector or arterial street route, or adequate access to any adjoining tract.
   (C)   All streets, alleys, sidewalks, drainage ways, water and sewer line and improvements shall be designed, placed and constructed in accordance with the general design standards of the city.
   (D)   Name(s) of new street(s) shall not duplicate or cause confusion within the name(s) of existing street(s) unless the new street(s) are a continuation of or in alignment with existing street(s), in which the case, the name(s) of the existing street(s) shall be used.
   (E)   (1)   Streets designated on the Comprehensive Plan and the Thoroughfare Plan as an arterial or collector shall not be used, maintained or constructed as private streets.
      (2)   The Planning Board or the City Commission may deny the creation of a private street development if it makes a finding of fact, based upon the evidence provided, that it would:
         (a)   Negatively affect traffic circulation on public streets;
         (b)   Impair access to property either on-site or off-site of the subdivision;
         (c)   Impair access to or from public facilities including schools, parks and libraries;
         (d)   Delay the response time of emergency vehicles; or
         (e)   Other good cause.
(Ord. 08-29, passed 10-21-2009)