General Provisions
120.01 Policy
120.02 Annual report by operators
120.03 Location of drilling
120.04 Pipeline construction
120.05 Trespassing on drilling site or pipeline right-of-way
Drilling Permits
120.20 Required
120.21 Application
120.22 Plat showing location of well
120.23 Fee
120.24 Staking of location of well; change of location
120.25 Investigation
120.26 Insurance; surety bond
120.27 Issuance
120.28 Permission of owner required for drilling near residences or other structures
120.29 Repair of damages to streets and public ways
Operation Regulations
120.45 Compliance
120.46 Dikes around tanks
120.47 Location of flow tanks
120.48 Location of field working tanks
120.49 Generators and boilers
120.50 Warning signs
120.51 Premises to be kept clean
120.52 Open earthen storage
120.53 Tanks to be gas-tight and vented
120.54 Forges or open lights inside derricks
120.55 Pipelines across highways
120.56 Installation of electric light and power
120.57 Blowout preventers
120.58 Elimination of fire hazards; waste disposal
120.59 Fences
Statutory reference:
Oil and gas generally, see Tex. Natural Resources Code §§ 81.001 et seq.
The City Commission hereby declares it to be the policy of the city to protect the health, safety, welfare and comfort of the resident citizens and all other persons that might at any time be in the city and, at the same time, to permit the development of industry and natural resources within the city for the general benefit of the public.
(1998 Code, § 50-61)
(A) Each operator of a producing oil and gas well within the city shall file a written report annually with the Director of Transportation and Planning containing the following information:
(1) Name and address of the operator;
(2) Names and addresses of all owners of interests, including royalty and working interests; and
(3) A plat showing the tract upon which the well is located, the location of the well thereon and the location of battery tanks.
(B) This report shall be due on or before February 1 of each year and shall cover the operations of the previous calendar year.
(1998 Code, § 50-63) (Ord. 13-23, passed 8-7-2013)
(A) All oil and gas well drilling shall be from the location of any other existing well or within a radius of not more than 50 feet of such existing wells.
(B) Division (A) above shall apply, however, only to acreage which has been subdivided into homesites, the size of which is one-acre tracts or less. Whenever acreage has been so subdivided, the provisions of division (A) above shall apply when the plat thereof has been filed for record in the office of the County Clerk.
(C) (1) It shall be unlawful for any person to drill a well in the body of water within the confines of the Texas City/LaMarque Hurricane Protection Levee known as Moses Lake or Dollar Bay.
(2) Nothing herein, however, shall prohibit slant drilling from a body of land into Moses Lake or Dollar Bay.
(1998 Code, § 50-64) (Ord. 99-78, passed 1-19-2000; Ord. 00-24, passed 3-15-2000) Penalty, see § 10.99
No pipelines for the transportation of oil and gas from drilled wells shall be constructed or laid in addition to the pipelines now in use as of 4-11-1956, except on rights-of-way owned by the operators of such existing wells or upon the designated drilling tracts set forth in this chapter and upon rights-of-way necessary to connect well sites to present lines.
(1998 Code, § 50-65) Penalty, see § 10.99