Gas meters, pay telephones, pay toilets, food vending machines, confection vending machines, beverage vending machines, merchandise vending machines and cigarette vending machines which are subject to an occupation or gross receipts tax and service coin-operated machines are expressly exempt from the tax levied in this subchapter and the other provisions of this chapter.
(1998 Code, § 14-34)
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, see Tex. Occupations Code § 2153.044
Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed or have the effect to license, permit, authorize or legalize any machine, device, table or coin-operated machine, the keeping, exhibition, operation, display or maintenance of which is illegal or in violation of any article of the Penal Code of the state or the constitution of the state.
(1998 Code, § 14-35)
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, see Tex. Penal Code Ch. 47
No skill or pleasure coin-operated machine or amusement redemption machine shall be permitted within 300 feet of any school, church or hospital, in accordance with state law.
(1998 Code, § 14-36) (Ord. 11-12, passed 4-20-2011; Ord. 11-20, passed 7-6-2011; Ord. 11-35, passed 10-19-2011) Penalty, see § 118.999