Every junk dealer and dealer in secondhand material shall keep a copy of the regulations prescribed by this chapter posted in a conspicuous place at his or her place of business.
(1998 Code, § 94-32) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Each junk dealer, dealer in secondhand material or person who shall purchase any kind of junk or secondhand material shall keep an accurate daily record of each article purchased, and the time when purchased, and also an accurate description of the person selling the article, giving his or her name, color, sex, age and residence. All such entries shall be made at the time of the purchase.
(B) Every junk dealer is hereby required to keep and maintain a record, used exclusively for this purpose, in which at the time of the transaction and coincident therewith shall be explicitly, plainly and intelligently written in ink and in the English language, without alterations or erasure, the name, residence and street number of the person or the agent, messenger or drayman of the person, and the race of the person from whom the junk was purchased or obtained, and the nature of the junk and, if the junk is a finished product or several parts of a finished product, then each of the parts shall be separately listed and described, including the serial number if any and any other descriptive marks or symbol. There shall also be recorded the day of the week, month and year when the purchase was made, and whether or not the person from which the junk was obtained was male or female. Such record shall further contain the source and place from which the junk came or was obtained.
(C) When any junk dealer shall receive junk from any common carrier from a point without the limits of the city, the record required to be kept by junk dealers shall be sufficient if it shows the name of the common carrier, the nature of the material received, the license number and a complete description of the common carrier, the driver’s license number and a complete description of the driver of the carrier and gives the name and address of the person from whom the junk was received.
(1998 Code, § 94-33) Penalty, see § 10.99
The record specified in § 114.03 of this chapter shall be accessible at all times to police officers and other peace officers and all police officers and peace officers shall have the right at all times to examine the records when searching or looking for lost or stolen articles or in determining whether or not the provisions of this chapter are being faithfully kept and observed. Any person who refuses to permit any officer to inspect the records shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(1998 Code, § 94-34) Penalty, see § 10.99
No junk shall be sold or removed from the place of business of any junk dealer within seven days after the junk has been purchased or acquired, and all junk received shall be kept separate and apart from all other articles for seven days after the junk is received so that the junk may be identified. If a dealer desires to sell or dispose of merchandise that has not been in his or her possession for a full seven days, he or she shall secure from the purchaser the same information and identification that is required by this chapter from persons that sell to the dealer.
(1998 Code, § 94-36) Penalty, see § 10.99
No junk dealer shall receive or purchase any junk from any intoxicated person or from any person under the age of 18 years, except upon the written consent of the parent or guardian of the minor, and such written consent shall be preserved by the junk dealer for a period of not less than six months thereafter for public inspection. When any purchase is made from any minor with consent, a notation of the purchase with consent shall be made in the book or register required by § 114.03 of this chapter to be kept by the dealer.
(1998 Code, § 94-37) Penalty, see § 10.99
Every junk dealer shall, at all times, allow the Chief of Police or some other police officer the privilege of examining all articles of junk he or she may have received, whether at his or her place of business or elsewhere, for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the articles are lost or stolen property.
(1998 Code, § 94-38) Penalty, see § 10.99