   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLE. A motor vehicle that is:
      (1)   Equipped with a seat or seats for the use of:
         (a)   The rider; and
         (b)   A passenger, if the motor vehicle is designed by the manufacturer to transport a passenger.
      (2)   Designed to propel itself with three or more tires in contact with the ground;
      (3)   Designed by the manufacturer for off-highway use;
      (4)   Not designed by the manufacturer primarily for farming or lawn care; and
      (5)   Not more than 50 inches wide.
   GOLF CART. A motor vehicle designed by the manufacturer primarily for transporting persons on a golf course.
   MOTOR VEHICLE. A vehicle that is self-propelled.
   NEIGHBORHOOD ELECTRIC VEHICLE. A vehicle that can attain a maximum speed of 35 mph on a paved level surface and otherwise complies with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 500 (49 C.F.R. § 571.500).
   PUBLIC HIGHWAY. Includes a road, street, way, thoroughfare or bridge:
      (1)   In the state;
      (2)   For the use of vehicles;
      (3)   Not privately owned or controlled; and
      (4)   Over which the state has legislative jurisdiction under its police power.
   RECREATIONAL OFF-HIGHWAY VEHICLE. A motor vehicle that is:
      (1)   Equipped with a seat or seats for the use of:
         (a)   The rider; and
         (b)   A passenger, if the vehicle is designed by the manufacturer to transport a passenger.
      (2)   Designed to propel itself with four or more tires in contact with the ground;
      (3)   Designed by the manufacturer for off-highway use by the operator only;
      (4)   Not designed by the manufacturer primarily for farming or lawn care; and
      (5)   Not more than 65 inches wide.
   SLOW-MOVING VEHICLE. A motor vehicle designed to operate at a maximum speed of 25 mph or less.
   SLOW-MOVING VEHICLE EMBLEM. A triangular emblem that conforms to standards and specifications adopted by the Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety under the Texas Transportation Code.
(1998 Code, § 118-276) (Ord. 11-24, passed 8-17-2011)
§ 74.21 EQUIPMENT.
   Golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles are required to be equipped with the following equipment, which shall be maintained in good working condition.
   (A)   Brakes. Golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles shall have brakes capable of stopping the vehicle within 50 feet at a speed of 25 mph.
      (1)   A test for deceleration or stopping distance shall be performed on a dry, smooth, hard surface that is free of loose materials.
      (2)   (a)   Golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles shall have parking brakes adequate to hold the vehicle:
            1.   On any grade on which the vehicle is operated;
            2.   Under all loading conditions; and
            3.   On a surface free from snow, ice or loose material.
         (b)   The parking brakes shall be:
            1.   Designed to operate continuously as required once applied, despite a leakage or an exhaustion of power source; and
            2.   Activated by the vehicle operator’s muscular effort, by spring action or by equivalent means.
   (B)   Audible warning device. Golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles shall be equipped with a horn in good working condition that emits a sound audible under normal conditions at a distance of at least 200 feet.
   (C)   Safety belts. Golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles shall be equipped with front (and rear, if applicable) safety belts, if safety belt anchorages were part of the manufacturer’s original equipment on the vehicle.
   (D)   Mirrors. Golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles shall be equipped with a mirror located to reflect to the operator a view of the highway for a distance of at least 200 feet from the rear of the vehicle.
   (E)   Muffler. Golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles propelled by combustion engines shall be equipped with a muffler in good working condition that continually operates to prevent excessive or unusual noise. A person may not use a muffler cutout, bypass or similar device.
   (F)   Headlamps. Golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles shall be equipped with at least two headlamps.
      (1)   At least one headlamp shall be mounted on each side of the front of the vehicle.
      (2)   Each headlamp shall be mounted at a height from 24 to 54 inches.
   (G)   Taillamps. Golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles shall be equipped with at least two taillamps.
      (1)   Taillamps shall be mounted on the rear of the vehicle:
         (a)   At a height from 15 to 72 inches; and
         (b)   At the same level and spaced as widely apart as practicable.
      (2)   A taillamp shall emit a red light plainly visible at a distance of 1,000 feet from the rear of the vehicle.
   (H)   Reflectors. Golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles shall be equipped with at least two red reflectors on the rear of the vehicle. A red reflector may be included as a part of a taillamp. A reflector shall be:
      (1)   Mounted at a height from 15 to 60 inches; and
      (2)   Visible at night at all distances from 100 to 600 feet when directly in front of lawful lower beams of headlamps.
   (I)   Stop lamps. Golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles shall be equipped with at least two stop lamps.
      (1)   Stop lamps shall be mounted on the rear of the vehicle.
      (2)   A stopgap shall emit a red or amber light, or a color between red and amber, that is:
         (a)   Visible in normal sunlight at a distance of at least 300 feet from the rear of the vehicle; and
         (b)   Displayed when the vehicle service brake is applied.
      (3)   A stopgap may be included as a part of another rear lamp.
   (J)   Turn signal lamps. Golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles shall be equipped with electric turn signal lamps that indicate the operator’s intent to turn by displaying flashing lights to the front and rear of a vehicle and on that side of the vehicle toward which the turn is to be made, if they were part of the manufacturer’s original equipment on the vehicle.
      (1)   Turn signal lamps:
         (a)   Shall be mounted at the same level and spaced as widely apart as practicable on the front and on the rear of the vehicle; and
         (b)   May be included as a part of another lamp on the vehicle.
      (2)   A turn signal lamp shall emit:
         (a)   A white or amber light, or a color between white and amber, if the lamp is mounted on the front of the vehicle; or
         (b)   A red or amber light, or a color between red and amber, if the lamp is mounted on the rear of the vehicle.
      (3)   A turn signal lamp must be visible in normal sunlight at a distance of:
         (a)   At least 500 feet from the front and rear of the vehicle if the vehicle is at least 80 inches wide; and
         (b)   At least 300 feet from the front and rear of the vehicle if the vehicle is less than 80 inches wide.
   (K)   Slow-moving vehicle emblem. Golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles shall display a slow-moving vehicle emblem that:
      (1)   Has a reflective surface designed to be clearly visible in daylight or at night from the light of standard automobile headlamps at a distance of at least 500 feet;
      (2)   Is mounted base down on the rear of the vehicle at a height from three to five feet above the road surface; and
      (3)   Is maintained in a clean, reflective condition.
(1998 Code, § 118-277) (Ord. 11-24, passed 8-17-2011) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 74.22 OPERATION.
   (A)   A person may operate a golf cart or neighborhood electric vehicle on a public highway in the corporate boundaries of the city:
      (1)   Where the posted speed limit is not more than 35 mph; and
      (2)   They possess a current state Class A, B or C operator’s license, and:
         (a)   Abide by all drivers’ license restrictions; and
         (b)   Display the license on the demand of a peace officer.
   (B)   Operators of golf carts or neighborhood electric vehicles must adhere to all the traffic laws that are required when operating a registered motor vehicle.
   (C)   A golf cart or neighborhood electric vehicle may cross intersections, including a road or street that has a posted speed limit of more than 35 mph.
   (D)   Occupants of golf carts or neighborhood electric vehicles must remain seated and ride only in the area designed by the manufacturer for the transportation of the driver and/or passengers when the vehicle is in operation.
   (E)   No person operating or occupying a golf cart or neighborhood electric vehicle on a street, highway, alley, parking lot or driveway, whether public or private property, shall operate or permit the operation of any sound amplification system from within the vehicle so that the sound is plainly audible at a distance of 50 or more feet from the vehicle. (See § 94.009 of this code of ordinances, concerning sound amplification systems in vehicles.)
   (F)   All-terrain vehicles and recreational off-highway vehicles are not covered by this section and are prohibited from operation on public highways unless otherwise stipulated by state statute.
(1998 Code, § 118-278) (Ord. 11-24, passed 8-17-2011) Penalty, see § 10.99