§ 161.002 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUILD LINE. The location allowed for the installation of a fence. The property line is the build line for the rear and side yards. The front build line shall not be any closer to the front property line than the front of the primary structure or the front setback, whichever is further away from the front property line. The term “setback” is defined in the zoning ordinance.
   CORNER LOT. A lot situated at the junction of two or more private or dedicated public streets.
   EXEMPT REPAIR. Maintenance to an existing fence where replacement of materials does not exceed the greater of 24 linear feet or 10% of the length of the fence and does not change the scope, material, location or dimensions of the fence. EXEMPT REPAIR may include the painting or staining of an existing fence without limitation to length. Exempt repairs shall be made using the same material, or material with comparable composition, color, size, shape and quality of the original fence to which the repair is being made. Exempt repairs can be made only to fences which otherwise comply with the requirements of this chapter regarding location, dimension, materials, condition and with any other applicable provision of the zoning ordinance at the time of repair.
   FENCE. Any barrier, wall or structure more than 18 inches in height constructed for the purpose of enclosing, screening, restricting access to or providing decoration to any lot, building or structure. Except where otherwise required in this chapter or elsewhere in the code, regulations governing the height, location and opacity of fences also apply to walls, hedges or landscaping used in lieu of a fence or in combination with a fence. FENCE includes each and every part of a fence, including the base, footings, supporting columns, post, braces, gates, structural members, locks, closures or any other of its components or appendages.
   FRONT YARD. An open space, unoccupied (except as provided in the zoning ordinance) across the full width of the lot extending from the front line of the building to the front street line of the lot.
   NON-OPAQUE FENCE. Non-sight obscuring fence that can be seen through by persons outside its confines and which does not act as a privacy screen. A fence with gaps between vertical members of two and one-quarter inch or more (measured facing the fence or viewed at an angle from the side) shall be considered a non-sight obscuring fence. Opaque sections shall not exceed two and one-quarter inch at any point.
   PROPERTY LINE. The boundary line between two pieces of property or between a piece of property and the public right-of-way.
   REAR YARD. An open space, unoccupied (except as provided in the zoning ordinance) between the rear lot line and the rear line of the principal building and the side lot lines.
   RETAINING WALL. A wall designed and/or constructed to resist the lateral pressure of soil in an area where there is a desired change in ground elevation.
   REVERSE FRONTAGE CORNER LOT. A corner lot where the rear lot line is adjacent to a side lot line of an adjoining lot or across an alley from such side lot line.
   SIDE YARD. An open unoccupied space on the same lot with a building, situated between the building and the side line of the lot, and extending through from the street or from the front yard to the rear line of the lot. Any lot line not a rear line or a front line shall be deemed a side line.
   SURVEY. A real property survey is a report that indicates the location of improvements, easements and rights-of-way relative to the boundaries of the property. It is prepared and stamped by the duly licensed Texas surveyor, signed and seal dated.
   VIEW TRIANGLE. An area of unobstructed sight distance for the traveling public at the intersection of two streets, which area can be determined by the maintained distance of not less than 35 feet in either direction of the corner property line.
(Ord. 2023-12, passed 4-19-2023)