(A)   After a review of the reports or any other investigations by the Special Events Committee, the Mayor shall either grant or deny the permit. The decision by the Mayor shall be made within ten days after receipt of the determination of the Special Events Committee.
   (B)   In the decision to grant the permit, the Mayor shall determine the specific dates and times for which the permit is granted, whether there will be road closures, whether there will be no parking zones for specific locations, whether the use of drones is allowed, and whether there is any additional security required for the mass gathering. The Mayor may also determine whether there are any other requirements within the granting of the permit that would be necessary to maintain the health, safety, governance and good order of the city within the authority granted by law.
   (C)   The Mayor may deny the permit if he/she finds that:
      (1)   The application contains false or misleading information or omits required information;
      (2)   The location selected for the mass gathering is inadequate for the purpose for which it will be used;
      (3)   The promoter has not made adequate preparations to limit the number of persons attending the mass gathering or to provide adequate supervision for minors attending the mass gathering;
      (4)   The promoter does not have assurance that scheduled performers will appear;
      (5)   The preparations for the mass gathering do not ensure that minimum standards of sanitation and health will be maintained;
      (6)   The preparations for the mass gathering do not ensure that the mass gathering will be conducted in an orderly manner and that the physical safety of persons attending will be protected;
      (7)   Adequate arrangements for traffic control have not been provided;
      (8)   An adequate safety plan has not been developed;
      (9)   Adequate security will not be available;
      (10)   Adequate parking will not be available;
      (11)   The promoter's financial backing is insufficient to ensure that the mass gathering will be conducted in the manner stated in the application;
      (12)   There is inadequate liability insurance for the mass gathering; or
      (13)   The Mayor determines the event is not in the best interest of the City of Texas City.
(Ord. 2022-08, passed 4-20-2022)