(A) Smoking prohibited in auditoriums and theaters. It shall be unlawful for any person to smoke any pipe, cigar or cigarette in the city auditorium or in any school auditorium, theater or motion picture theater in the city.
(1998 Code, § 54-5)
(B) Smoking in rooms of public accommodations; causing fire. It shall be unlawful for any person, as guest or occupant of any hotel, roominghouse, tourist court or other place renting rooms for the accommodation of the public, by smoking or attempting to light or to smoke cigars, cigarettes, pipes or tobacco in any manner in which lighters or matches are employed, or in the disposition of lighted matches, cigars or cigarettes or live embers of any smoking materials, in a careless, reckless or negligent manner, whether willfully or negligently, to set fire to any mattress, bedding, furniture, curtains, drapes or other household fittings.
(1998 Code, § 54-6)
(C) Posting of notice in rooms. It shall be the duty of every person who shall directly as owner, or as operator, manager or agent for another, keep or be concerned in keeping any hotel, roominghouse, tourist court or place renting rooms for the accommodation of the public, to post a copy of division (B) above, plainly printed, with the heading in not less than 14-point type and the body of division (B) above in not less than ten-point type, in each sleeping room of all hotels, roominghouses, tourist courts or other places renting rooms for the accommodation of the public within the city.
(1998 Code, § 54-7)
Penalty, see § 32.999
It shall be the duty of every person who shall directly as owner, or as operator, manager or agent for another, keep or be concerned in keeping any hotel, roominghouse, tourist court or place renting rooms for the accommodation of the public, upon the discovery of fire burning any part of the establishment or the furniture or household fittings of any type, to immediately transmit an alarm of fire to the Fire Department of the city, reporting the location of the establishment by telephone or any other practicable means.
(1998 Code, § 54-8) Penalty, see § 32.999
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to deliver or to accept delivery of gasoline in any container other than an approved container equipped with a cap or similar device reasonably sufficient to prevent the escape of vapors.
(B) Signs marked “DELIVERY OR ACCEPTANCE OF GASOLINE IN ANY CONTAINER OTHER THAN AN APPROVED CONTAINER WITH A CAP TO PREVENT ESCAPE OF VAPORS IS PROHIBITED BY LAW” shall be displayed prominently at all places where gasoline is sold by any person who engages in the business of selling gasoline.
(1998 Code, § 54-9) Penalty, see § 32.999
The operation of vehicles, tank trucks or other mobile devices from which flammable liquids used as motor fuels may, as an act of retail sale, be dispensed into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles parked on off-street facilities is hereby prohibited within the city.
(1998 Code, § 54-10) Penalty, see § 32.999
(A) Tank trucks transporting flammable, corrosive or toxic materials; route map.
(1) Every tank truck, whether a common carrier or not, transporting liquefied petroleum gases, natural gasoline or corrosive or toxic chemicals, flammable liquids, combustible liquids, poisons, oxidizers, radioactive material or liquefied natural gas in bulk within the corporate limits of the city shall be confined in movement to the streets, avenues and highways designated for such use as shown on the route map, prepared by the Planning Department of the city and on file in the Director of Transportation and Planning. Such map, hereby designated as “Tank Trucks Route Map”, and all of the notations and references and information shown thereon, are hereby made as much a part of this subchapter as if set forth in full in this subchapter.
(2) It shall be the duty of the Director of Transportation and Planning to keep the route map on file in his or her office, and a duplicate copy shall be kept on file in the office of the City Traffic Engineer. These routes shall be adequately marked with appropriate signs. Empty trucks containing vapors of liquefied petroleum gases, natural gasoline, corrosive or toxic chemicals, flammable liquids, combustible liquids, poisons, oxidizers, radioactive material or liquefied natural gas shall be confined to the same routes.
(1998 Code, § 54-12)
(B) Use of designated routes. It shall be unlawful for any person to haul or transport liquefied petroleum gases, natural gasoline or flammable, corrosive or toxic chemicals, flammable liquids, combustible liquids, poisons, oxidizers, radioactive material or liquefied natural gas in bulk over any other routes than those prescribed on the tank truck route map; provided, however, that, in case of emergency, movement of such vehicles over other routes may be authorized by the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal.
(1998 Code, § 54-13)
(C) Construction requirements. All trucks transporting liquefied petroleum gases, natural gasoline or flammable, corrosive or toxic chemicals in bulk within the corporate limits of the city shall meet the construction requirements of the State Railroad Commission for the commodity transported. If the State Railroad Commission does not prescribe construction requirements for tank trucks hauling one of these commodities in bulk, then the construction requirements of FERC No. 436 for that commodity shall apply.
(1998 Code, § 54-14)
(D) Required signs and equipment. All trucks transporting liquefied petroleum gases, natural gasoline or corrosive or toxic chemicals, flammable liquids, combustible liquids, poisons, oxidizers, radioactive material or liquefied natural gas shall have a conspicuous sign on each side and on the rear conforming to U.S. Department of Transportation standards. All trucks shall be equipped with drag chains or other approved devices long enough to reach the ground when the container is partially loaded. Each truck shall be provided with at least two hand fire extinguishers of a suitable type of not less than five-pound capacity. Each truck shall be kept in good mechanical condition.
(1998 Code, § 54-15)
Penalty, see § 32.999
(A) The Fire Marshal shall be an appointed position within the Fire Department, and shall be assigned and appointed by the Fire Chief. The Fire Marshal may be assigned and appointed from any classification within the Fire Department.
(B) The following shall be minimum requirements for the appointment of Fire Marshal:
(1) Must be a certified basic inspector, as certified by the State Commission on Fire Protection;
(2) Must have passed each section of the examination (Inspector 1, Inspector 2 and Plans Examiner 1) with a minimum score of 70%;
(3) Must have obtained the certified basic fire investigator certification from the State Commission on Fire Protection; and
(4) Must have obtained the certified intermediate structural firefighter certification from the State Commission on Fire Protection or have obtained the educational requirements and are waiting on time-in-grade only.
(1998 Code, § 54-32) (Ord. 00-74, passed 11-1-2000; Ord. 04-15, passed 5-19-2004; Ord. 08-22, passed 5-21-2008)