(A) The Chief of Police shall be the custodian of all abandoned, lost and unclaimed property which comes into the possession of any police officer or any city employee engaged in the cleaning or repair of streets or public places.
(B) The Chief of Police may delegate to any police officer designated by him or her the duty of storing and protecting the property and keeping suitable records thereof.
(1998 Code, § 70-91)
When the disposition of the lost, abandoned or unclaimed property is not otherwise governed by law or by order of a court, the Chief of Police shall surrender the property, if claimed, to any person known to be the owner, on producing satisfactory evidence of ownership or right to possession, upon payment of any proper fees owing to the city because of the city’s storage of the property. If the right of the claimant is not certain, the Chief may, in his or her discretion, require the claimant to give reasonable security for the return of the property or its value; and if there could be conflicting claims the Chief may request the Legal Department to file an interpleader suit.
(1998 Code, § 70-92)
The Chief of Police shall make a reasonable attempt to locate and notify the owner of each item of lost, abandoned or unclaimed property that is in custody of the Chief of Police. When the disposition of the property is not otherwise governed by law or by order of a court, and the property remains unclaimed for two years after it comes into the custody of the Chief of Police, it shall be sold as specified in this subchapter.
(1998 Code, § 70-93)
From time to time, as lost, abandoned and unclaimed property accumulates so that it should be disposed of, or can be disposed of to advantage, the Chief of Police shall offer it for sale at public auction. The City Commission may, in its discretion, authorize the employment of a professional auctioneer to conduct the sale. Notice of the time and place of the sale, and a brief description of the property, shall be given by posting at the City Hall and by one advertisement in the official newspaper. The posting of notice and the publication of the advertisement shall be not less than ten and not more than 20 days before the sale.
(1998 Code, § 70-94)
All sales pursuant to this subchapter shall be for cash. The Chief of Police may reject any bid he or she deems insufficient. After deducting the actual costs of the sale and storing of the property, the proceeds shall be placed in the General Fund.
(1998 Code, § 70-95)