Upon receipt of a proposal for creation of, modification of, petition for withdrawal or dissolution of an agricultural area, it shall be the duty of the County Zoning Administrator to perform the following acts:
   (A)   Collect and transmit to the County Treasurer the appropriate application fee as provided herein;
   (B)   Cause to be provided and published such notice as is required by law upon the receipt of such proposal or petition;
   (C)   Cause to be transmitted to the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission, a copy of any required notice, proposal or petition;
   (D)   Receive and review any proposals for modifications of a proposed agricultural area which may be submitted;
   (E)   Refer any proposal for a proposed agricultural area, any proposed modifications and any petition for withdrawal or dissolution to the County Agricultural Areas Committee as provided by law;
   (F)   Cause to be provided and published such notice as required by law prior to the holding of a public hearing by the Agricultural Areas Committee for the purpose of acting upon any such proposal or petition;
   (G)   Supply to any affected municipality, township, state, or federal agency, adjacent property owner, and persons proposing an agricultural area the time, date and place of the public hearing/hearings;
   (H)   Upon the creation of an agricultural area, file the description thereof with the County Clerk and the County Recorder of Deeds; and
   (I)   Maintain accurate records as to the dates of creation of agricultural areas and timely notify the County Board in order that the Board may conduct any review as is required by law.