(A) Security is especially a concern to prevent vandalism and garbage dumping and to avoid conflicts with adjacent neighborhoods. The borough police should regularly patrol borough parks. To help address security, especially as additional recreation facilities are developed, the following should be considered:
(1) Carefully design all new parks with security concerns in mind, by making all areas visible from adjacent streets and by including security lighting;
(2) Utilize the borough police and/or Public Works Department to lock the gates that may be placed at parks at night;
(3) Strongly encourage neighbors who live around parks to report any suspicious activity;
(4) Work through the schools to inform young people of the costs of vandalism, including potential prosecution;
(5) Seek to have young people who are caught vandalizing parks to repair and improve the parks if they want to avoid official punishment, or as a condition of such punishment;
(6) Avoid developing those recreation facilities that are expensive and more vulnerable to vandalism in areas that are more isolated;
(7) Provide recreation facilities near borough buildings and other areas where responsible staff can help keep watch over the facilities;
(8) Use fences or barriers to limit access for dumping and to keep vehicles off of athletic fields; and
(B) Make sure that all parks are designed to allow access for police patrols, especially at night. Consider using a police bicycle patrol for Tatamy Trail areas, especially during summer months.
(C) Continue to enforce the hour restrictions in parks to prevent late night nuisances to adjacent neighbors.
(Ord. passed 8-3-2015)