For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ACTION PLAN. A plan that summarizes the many recommendations for activities and projects resulting from community input.
   ACTIVE RECREATION. Recreation facilities programmable for organized activities such as ball fields, basketball courts and soccer fields.
   CONSERVATION AREA. Environmentally sensitive areas with characteristics such as steep slopes, wetlands, floodplains, high water tables, forest areas, endangered species habitat, or areas of significant biological productivity or uniqueness that have been designated for protection from any activity that would significantly alter their ecological integrity, balance or character.
   ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS. Areas that contain native vegetation and natural features and/or natural resources.
   FLOODPLAIN. A relatively flat or lowland area which is subject to partial or complete inundation from an adjoining or nearby stream, river or watercourse; and/or any area subject to the unusual and rapid accumulation of surface waters from any source.
   GREENWAYS. Contiguous parcels of land that connects wild life habitat, stream buffers and passive recreation areas.
   MPC. The Municipalities Planning Code, 52 P.S. §§ 10101 et seq.
   NATURAL AREA. A preservation of land for providing wildlife habitats, forests or scenic natural features that involves no buildings other than a nature education and/or study center.
   OFFICIAL MAP. Any official map that may be adopted or amended by the Council of the borough in accordance with the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
   OPEN SPACE. The area of a tract of land unoccupied by principal or accessory structures, streets, driveways or parking areas; but includes areas occupied by walkways, playgrounds, outdoor recreation or play apparatus, gardens or trees.
   PASSIVE RECREATION. Recreation facilities programmable for non-organized activities such as walking, picnicking, biking and the like.
   RECHARGE AREAS. Open space that allows stormwater to infiltrate into the ground water table.
   RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE. The land area along waterways and wetlands providing shade and habitat that provide erosion prevention and the absorption of stormwater pollutants.
   SALDO. The subdivision and land development ordinance (Chapter 154 of this code of ordinances) guides and controls the layout of streets, lots and utilities. The requirements within this chapter for developers to dedicate recreation land or fees and to possibly construct bicycle paths in certain areas are discussed, in §§ 92.055 through 92.061.
   STEEP SLOPES. Those areas having slopes of 15% or more.
   VIEWSHED. An area of land, water or other environmental element that is visible to the human eye from a fixed vantage point. The term is used widely in such areas as urban planning, archaeology and military science. In urban planning, for example, VIEWSHEDS tend to be areas of particular scenic or historic value that are deemed worthy of preservation against development or other change. VIEWSHEDS are often spaces that are readily visible from public areas such as from public roadways, public parks or high-rise buildings. The preservation of VIEWSHEDS is frequently a goal in the designation of open space areas, greenbelts and community separators.
   WATERWAYS. Lakes, streams, creeks and rivers.
   WETLANDS. Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. WETLANDS generally include swamps, marshes, bogs and similar areas.
   ZONING ORDINANCE. The borough zoning ordinance is the main legal tool for regulating uses of land, as adopted by reference in Chapter 155 of this code of ordinances.
(Ord. passed 8-3-2015)