(a)   No person, firm or organization shall hereafter dispose of brine as defined in Ohio R.C. 1509.01, and other waste substances resulting, obtained, or produced in connection with exploration, drilling or production of gas and oil by injection into an underground formation or by injection through the annular space of a producing well or in any other manner within the City.
   (b)   Whoever knowingly violates subsection (a) hereof shall be fined ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or imprisoned for six months or both for a first offense; for each subsequent offense such person shall be fined twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) or imprisoned for one year or both.
   (c)   Whoever negligently violates subsection (a) hereof shall be fined not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000).
(Ord. 151-1985. Passed 10-24-85.)