(a)   Definition of Snow Emergency. Whenever, during any period of time prior to, during, and after snow falls in the City of Tallmadge to a depth of two inches or more, a snow emergency is declared to exist in that such a heavy snow fall constitutes a serious public hazard. During such times, the parking of vehicles upon public streets within the City may hinder, delay or obstruct the safe flow of traffic and emergency vehicles and the cleaning, clearing and making safe of all public streets of this City.
   (b)   Determination of Snow Emergency. A snow emergency shall commence when two inches or more of snow falls in the City or an emergency is declared by the Safety Director. Such snow emergency shall continue in effect until the Safety Director terminates the emergency.
   (c)   Announcement of Parking Ban. Whenever a snow emergency is in effect, or is to be in effect, the Safety Director shall request the cooperation of the local radio and television stations and newspapers to announce the snow emergency at the earliest time possible.
   (d)   No Parking on Public Streets During Snow Emergency. During a snow emergency, no person shall park, or cause to be parked, or permit to be parked, or permit to remain parked, or abandon or leave unattended, any vehicle of any kind or description upon the public streets of Tallmadge. However, vehicles may be parked for a period of not longer than three minutes for the loading or unloading of passengers or thirty minutes for loading or unloading of property, provided that no other ordinance restricting parking as to place or time is violated thereby.
   (e)   Prohibited Parking. Nothing contained in this ordinance shall be construed to permit parking at any time or place where it is prohibited by any other ordinance of this City.
   (f)   Removal of Motor Vehicle.
      (1)   The Safety Director, Police Chief or any Tallmadge Police Officer is hereby authorized and empowered to provide for the removal of any vehicle parked on any public street in the City during a period of snow emergency. Such vehicles shall be transported to a garage, impounding area, or other site deemed proper by the officer directing such transport.
      (2)   At such time as the name and address of the owner of the transported vehicle is ascertained, and as soon as practicable, the Police Department will notify the owner by telephone, or mail or by personal notice of the fact of such removal, and the reason therefor, and the place to which such motor vehicle has been removed.
      (3)   Any costs incurred by such removal and storage shall be borne by the owner of the vehicle, and such costs shall be in addition to any fines or penalties which may be imposed on the owner of the vehicle.
         (Ord. 127-1996. Passed 1-23-97.)