No person shall stand or park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or to comply with the provisions of this Traffic Code, or while obeying the directions of a police officer or a traffic control device, in any of the following places:
   (1)   On a sidewalk, except a bicycle may be parked parallel to the streets;
   (2)   In front of or within five feet of a public or private driveway;
   (3)   In front of or within twenty-five feet of a mailbox;
   (4)   Within an intersection;
   (5)   Within ten feet of a fire hydrant;
   (6)   On a crosswalk;
   (7)   Within twenty feet of, and upon the approach to, any flashing beacon, stop sign or traffic control device;
   (8)   Within thirty feet of, and upon the approach to, any flashing beacon, stop sign or traffic control device;
   (9)   Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within thirty feet of points on the curb immediately opposite to end a safety zone, unless a different length is indicated by a traffic control device;
   (10)   Within thirty feet of the nearest rail or a railroad crossing;
   (11)   Within twenty feet of a driveway entrance to any fire station and, on the side of the street opposite the entrance to any fire station, within seventy-five feet of the entrance when it is property posted with signs;
   (12)   Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when such standing or parking would obstruct traffic;
   (13)   Alongside any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street;
   (14)   Upon any bridge or other elevated structure upon a street, or within a street tunnel;
   (15)   At any place where signs prohibit stopping, standing or parking, or where the curbing or street is painted yellow, or at any place in excess of the maximum time limited by signs;
   (16)   Within one foot of another parked vehicle;
   (17)   On the roadway portion of a freeway, expressway, thruway, or major thoroughfare;
   (18)   In front of any Funeral Director’s establishment;
   (19)   On the streets of the City when the purpose of such parking is demonstrating the vehicle or an article in it for sale or for the purpose of advertising;
   (20)   In such temporary non-parking areas as may be occasioned by public improvements, traffic conditions, or other emergencies when so designated and posted by the Safety Director; provided, however, that such temporary non-parking shall not be allowed to exist for a period of longer than ninety day;
   (21)   Within the area known as Tallmadge Circle, except where parking space is provided immediately in front of the Tallmadge Old Town Hall, unless otherwise provided by the Safety Director;
   (22)   Backed up to the curb unless it is actually loading or unloading and in such case not longer than twenty minutes unless a permit therefor is obtained from the Safety Director allowing an extension of time. Such extension, in no case, shall exceed one hour;
   (23)   Upon the traveled portion of limited-access highways within the City;
   (24)   On a strip of land paralleling the curb; or where there is no curb, the edge of the roadway, and the sidewalk; or where there is no sidewalk, the property line of the abutting property, commonly referred to as the side strip or devil strip;
   (25)   In the ditch within a public right of way, street or highway;
   (26)   On any other portion of a public right of way, street or highway not otherwise prohibited for more than two hours;
   (27)   Within the front yard setback in any residentially-zoned district except upon an improved surface which shall be constructed of concrete, asphalt, permeable type pavers, gravel or other hard surface maintained to be free of excessive weeds and grass intrusion;
   (28)   On any such portion of a public roadway designated and posted by the Director of Public Safety.
      (Ord. 99-2019. Passed 1-9-20.)