(a)   All public officials are prohibited, unless permitted within Ohio R.C. 2921.42, from authorizing or using the authority or influence of his or her position to secure the authorization of employment or benefit (including a promotion or preferential treatment) for a person closely related by blood, marriage, or other significant relationship including business association.
   (b)   “Closely related by blood or marriage” is defined to include, but is not limited to spouse, children (whether dependent or independent), parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, in-laws, step-children, step-parents, step-grandparents, step-siblings, step-aunts, step- uncles, and other persons related by blood or marriage who reside in the same household.
   (c)   For these purposes, all public officials and employees of the City of Tallmadge on December 1, 2008, or the enactment date of this legislation, whichever is earlier, are grandfathered in.
   (d)   Every new hire must certify under oath in writing whether he or she is closely related by blood or marriage as defined herein or is a business associate of another public official or employee of the City.
   (e)   If a new hire discloses that he or she is closely related by blood or marriage as defined herein or is a business associate of another public official or employee of the City, the appointing authority shall conduct a preliminary review of the disclosure. If appropriate, the disclosure and all relevant information shall be provided to the Director of Law for preparation of required affidavit(s). The appointing authority shall furnish a copy of every affidavit to the legislative body and to all officers of the City.
   (f)   In addition to any other penalties at law, a violation of this policy shall be subject to a penalty ranging from a public reprimand to termination. Any violations of the Ohio Ethics Law may also be reported to the Ohio Ethics Commission.
(Ord. 103-2008. Passed 1-8-09.)