The following additional provisions and requirements shall pertain to the Municipal Cemetery and any purchaser of lots or spaces therein:
   (a)   The "Rules and Regulations of Tallmadge Municipal Cemetery"; any subsequent amendments thereto; this chapter; and any subsequent amendment thereof, shall govern the Tallmadge Municipal Cemetery.
   (b)   One hundred percent (100%) of the price received for lot and space sales shall be placed in the General Fund.
   (c)   All marker and foundations shall be installed under the direction and supervision of the Service Director.
   (d)   Veteran marker foundations shall be charged the same rate as other foundation charges, regardless of the placement.
   (e)   There shall be no disinterments between October 31 and March 1 of any year.
   (f)   Vaults are mandatory and must be of concrete or metal material.
   (g)   Any monies received by the City by way of gift, donation, inheritance, trust or otherwise for use of the Cemetery or care or maintenance thereof, shall be placed in the General Fund to be used for such purpose.
      (Ord. 118-2001. Passed 1-10-02.)
   (h)   Any monies received by a City employee from private sources for any cemetery related service shall be placed into the Street Maintenance and Repair Fund.
      (Ord. 81-2008. Passed 6-26-08.)