921.16 WATER FLOW.
   (a)   No person in the possession of premises into which a pipe or other connection with a sewer or drain has been laid for the purpose of carrying off animal refuse from privies or water closets, slops from kitchens, or for other purposes, shall allow the same to remain without properly operating fixtures, so attached as to allow a sufficiency of water to be so applied as to properly carry off such matters, and to keep such pipe or other connection unobstructed.
   (b)   All water closets, basins, traps and urinals shall be provided with sufficient supply of water to insure the cleaning of the same after each time of use, and the effectual sealing of all traps connected therewith. In no case shall any closet, basin, or urinal be used longer than one hour without such water supply, if from any cause the same shall be cut off, unless water is supplied from other source. (Ord. 98-1960. Passed 2-23-61.)