The Director of Law shall be the legal adviser of and attorney and counsel for the City and for all officers and divisions thereof in all matters relating to their official duties. The Director of Law shall give written opinions to any elected official, Council, or department heads within a reasonable time when requested in writing to do so. The Director of Law shall interpret the provisions of this Charter. The Director of Law shall represent the City in all suits or cases in which it may be a party and shall prosecute all offenses against the ordinances of the City and such offenses against the laws of Ohio as may be required of him or her. The Director of Law shall, on request of the Council, prepare contracts, legislation, bonds and other instruments in writing in which the City is concerned and shall endorse on each his or her approval of the form and correctness thereof. The Director of Law shall perform such other duties as the Mayor or Council may impose upon him or her consistent with the office. The Director of Law shall continue to perform those duties as granted to Directors of Law of general statutory plan cities under general laws, provisions of this Charter and ordinances and resolutions of the City, provided that the Director of Law shall not be required to act as legal counsel for the Tallmadge City School District.
   The Director of Law may appoint assistants as such positions are created by Council.
   Nothing in this Charter shall preclude Council from contracting for additional legal services, excepting therefrom criminal prosecutions, as may from time to time be required.