(a)   Every dealer in secondhand articles shall keep a book or catalog in which shall be legibly written in English at the time of every purchase or sale, a description of every article so purchased or sold that includes the number or numbers and any monograms, inscriptions, or other marks of identification that may appear on the article, a description of the articles or pieces comprising old gold, silver, platinum, or other metals, and any monogram, inscription, or marks of identification thereon and/or a photograph thereof; the name, residence, and general description of the person from whom such purchase was made or to whom sold or a photocopy of photo identification such as a drivers license or state issued ID; and the day and hour of the purchase or sale. The holder of a Federal license to smelt precious metals shall not be held by reason thereof to be exempt from the provisions of this Chapter.
   (b)   Every licensee under the provisions of this Chapter, at the time of acquiring through purchase or exchange of any secondhand article, shall attach a tag with a designating number thereon, legibly printed in ink, in the English language, to each article, and shall make an entry of such number in the book or catalog.
   (c)   Such book or catalog shall at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of any law enforcement officer during regular business hours. Such book or catalog shall be maintained in a manner as directed or authorized by the Chief of Police. In addition to such book or catalog, every person licensed at the time of such purchase shall fill out on a blank form, a 3 x 5 index card, unless otherwise directed by the Chief of Police, information including the driver's license number and state of issuance, or the identifying number on a state ID, or other picture identification, and on the back of the card or other designated form, the seller, in his own handwriting, shall write his name, age, and address. No entry in such book or on such card shall be erased, obliterated, altered, or defaced.
(Ord. 66-2012. Passed 10-11-12.)