Cross Connection Control and Water Quality Protection
922.01   Backflow protection.
922.02   Cross connections prohibited.
922.03   Surveys and investigations.
922.99   Penalty.
      Cross connections - see OAC 3745-95-02
      Backflow prevention devices - see OAC 3745-95-06
      Violations - see OAC 3745-95-08
   If, in the judgment of the Director of Public Service ("Director"), the integrity of the public water system is, or can be, endangered by backflow from an actual or a potential cross connection within the plumbing system of a water consumer, the Director may order the installation of an approved backflow prevention method or device consisting of either an air-gap, vacuum breaker, reduced pressure principle backflow preventer or any combination thereof at the water service connection to the premise. The water consumer shall install the designated device or method per the Director's Rules at their own expense, and failure, refusal or inability to install such device or method immediately shall constitute a ground for discontinuing water service to the premise until such device or method has been installed and approved by the Director. The use of the approved backflow preventer at the water service connection does not in any way affect or eliminate the need for individual fixture devices or air-gaps as required by the laws of the State of Ohio.
(Ord. 59-2017. Passed 9-18-17.)
   (a)   No person shall install or maintain a water service connection to any premises where actual or potential cross connections to a public water system or a potable consumer's water system may exist unless such actual or potential cross connections are abated or controlled to the satisfaction of the Director.
   (b)   No person shall install or maintain any connection whereby water from an auxiliary water system may enter a public water system or potable consumer's water system unless the auxiliary water system and the method of connection and use of such system shall have been approved by the Director and by the Ohio E.P.A. as required by Ohio R.C. 6109.13-15.
   (c)   Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no person shall install or maintain a water system wherein any air gap separation distance is less than twice the diameter of the water supply pipe or faucet or is less than one inch, whichever is the greater distance.
(Ord. 59-2017. Passed 9-18-17.)