(a)   The preferred type of access to a lot is a drive that is located in the rear of a property and which connects adjoining parcels. In those instances where a rear access drive is not feasible, a front access drive to connect adjoining parcels may be considered. An access drive may be a publicly dedicated right-of-way, constructed at the owner's expense and built to City of Sylvania standards. If a private access road is proposed, requirements such as curbing, width of rights-of-way, and road width may be modified or approved by the Service Director or his/her designee. If a private access road is permitted pursuant to this Section, reciprocal easement agreements between adjoining parcels are required.
   (b)   The distance between the adjacent road and an access drive shall be subject to the recommendations of a Traffic Study that addresses local conditions and considerations. When a front access drive is permitted, the required landscape area may be located between the existing roadway and the front access drive. The access drive shall be constructed before any occupancy or use is permitted. A bond, escrow or other assurance may be provided to guarantee the completion of the access drive. Where access drives are not appropriate, driveway sharing and/or cross access between parking areas of adjacent parcels may be approved.