(a) Cremations of persons meeting the requirements of Ohio Revised Code Section 5113.15 shall be done only with prior authorization of the Director of Public Service or his designee.
(b) The Mayor and Director of Finance are hereby authorized to pay the following sums for professional services rendered by funeral directors to prepare Ohio R.C. 5113.15 persons for burial in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the Director of Public Service.
Each Adult Person | $700.00 |
Each Child Under 12 Years of Age | 315.00 |
Each Still Birth | 210.00 |
(c) If the deceased is proven to be of a faith that prohibits cremation, then the deceased will be buried at the expense of the City of Sylvania. The fee schedule outlined above in paragraph (b) will not be applied for burial. The following sums are for professional services rendered or contracted by funeral directors to prepare Ohio R.C. 5113.15 persons for burial in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the Director of Public Service.
Each Adult Person | $400.00 |
Each Child Under 12 Years of Age | 180.00 |
Each still birth | 120.00 |
The Mayor and Director of Finance are also hereby authorized to pay for a stone or concrete marker on which the person’s name and age, if known, and date of death shall be inscribed.
(d) Before any interments or payments are made pursuant to this section, the funeral director must submit the following to the Director of Public Service:
(1) Three copies of a statement for the amount requested to be paid by the City pursuant to subsection (b) or (c) hereof;
(2) One (1) copy of the death certificate and one copy of the burial permit; and,
(3) Originals of the following forms: Next of Kin Affidavit; Funeral Home Director Affidavit; Certificate of Cremation; and Indigent Cremation Agreement completed by the next of kin or, if not available, the most knowledgeable individual concerning the affairs of the deceased, for the purpose of determining whether the deceased qualifies to be cremated at the City’s expense pursuant to Ohio R.C. 5113.15. This certificate shall be in a form prescribed by the Director of Public Service and shall be completed, signed and notarized, prior to or on the day of the cremation.
(e) Should it be ascertained, after any payment by the City pursuant to subsection (b) or (c) hereof, that such payment was made for a decedent whom the City did not have the responsibility to cremate pursuant to Ohio R.C. 5113.15, the City shall be entitled to any benefits payable on behalf of such decedent by any person or agency who had the responsibility to pay burial benefits pursuant to Ohio R.C. 5113.15, up to an amount totaling the payment made pursuant to subsection (b) or (c) hereof plus the fees for the grave space and the opening and closing.
(Ord. 44-2013. Passed 5-20-13.)