A public facility or a public right of way may be considered for an honorary designation upon the filing of an application and approval by Sylvania City Council.
(a) The application for nomination shall be filed with the Clerk of Council and shall include:
(1) An endorsement by a member of Sylvania City Council or the Mayor;
(2) A statement explaining the reason an honorary designation is being requested, the specific street location and the desired time frame;
(b) Honorary designations shall meet the following criteria:
(1) There shall be only one honorary designation per street;
(2) Persons eligible for consideration for an honorary designation may include:
A. A person or entity who has made a sustained contribution over a long period of time or over-and-above the call of duty and/or demonstrated leadership related to government, human relations or community development;
B. A person who has made specific and sustained contributions to an organization located within the City;
C. A person or entity that has made contributions that changed the nature and characteristics of the community;
D. A person born or raised in Sylvania who has achieved national or international acclaim in a specific field of endeavor that has reflected positively on Sylvania.
(c) The designation should be honorary in nature and not replace the official name of the street. Signage for the honorary designation should not compete with the official name of the street.
(d) The length of time of the designation shall be temporary and will be in effect for no more than two years.
(Ord. 39-2005. Passed 6-6-05.)