(A)   Pursuant to I.C. 36-2-13.5(b)(4), the Board of Commissioners and the County Council agree to make an appropriation from the County General Fund for the feeding of prisoners in the County Jail. This appropriation shall be set forth in the budget for the County Jail. Neither the Sheriff nor the Sheriff’s officers, deputies, or employees may make a profit from the appropriation.
   (B)   The County Sheriff shall be paid a salary from the County’s General Fund in the manner that salaries of other county officials are paid.
   (C)   The County Sheriff shall be allowed to retain the Sheriff’s tax warrant collection fees as described in I.C. 6-8.1-8-3.
   (D)   (1)   The County Sheriff shall be allowed to charge a fee for conducting Sheriff’s sales as provided in I.C. 32-29-7-3 or other applicable state statute.
      (2)   All proceeds from this are to be deposited in the County General Fund.
(Ord. 01-05-09-2, passed 1-1-2009; Council Ord. 01-05-09-2, passed 1-1-2009)