Sidewalk Construction
91.01 Building code amended
91.02 Required platting
91.03 Minimum acceptable standards
91.04 Permit
Overweight Trucks
91.10 Definitions
91.11 Load limits
91.12 Oversize/overweight permit
91.13 Truck routes
91.14 Loading and unloading
91.15 Exceptions
91.16 Enforcement; weighing
Civil Work
91.30 Permits
91.31 Enforcement
Utility Use of Right-of-Way
91.40 Utility companies using city right-of-way
91.41 Right-of-way permit procedures
91.99 Penalty
Delivery trucks, see §§ 71.40 et seq.
Permit fees, see § 38.01
Sidewalks shall be required for any new construction in any new subdivision platted after the date of this subchapter. The sidewalk shall be placed adjacent to the front property line of each lot or tract in the subdivision and it shall be required to tie in uniformly with sidewalks or future sidewalks on adjacent lots or tracts in the subdivision.
(Ord. 103-01, passed 5-15-01)
The minimum acceptable standards for sidewalks constructed as required by this subchapter shall be as follows:
(A) Width: four feet.
(B) Length: it shall be placed along the entire length of developed street frontage on both open ditch and curb and gutter sections.
(C) Reinforcing:
(1) Material: open hearth new billet steel.
(2) Yield strength: 60,000 pounds per square inch minimum.
(3) Splices: 24 bar diameters.
(4) Bar size and spacing: No. 3 bars at 18-inch centers, each way.
(5) Bar support: metal or plastic “chairs” shall be used to hold bars in position during placement of concrete.
(D) Concrete mixture:
(1) Flexural strength: 650 pounds per square inch minimum modulus of rupture at 28 days (American Society of Testing and Materials, C-78, 3d point loading).
(2) Slump: four inches maximum.
(3) Cement factor: five bags per cubic yard, minimum.
(E) Cement: Type I (normal) Portland cement, or with engineer’s approval, Type III (high early strength).
(F) Aggregate: course and fine aggregate shall meet the requirements of State Highway Department Standard Specification Item 360 for concrete pavement.
(G) Jointing:
(1) Depth of contraction joints: one-fourth of slab thickness.
(2) Transverse spacing: 20 feet.
(3) Expansion joints: at intersections.
(4) Wood joints: Sound Heart Redwood.
(5) Joint seal: ASTM 0920, Type S, Grade P or NS.
(H) Curing: curing method shall retain at least 97% of moisture at 24 hours, at least 95% at three days and at least 91% at seven days. American Society of Testing and Materials Procedure C-5.
(I) Tests: flexural strength, three molds per 200 linear feet
(J) Placement: concrete shall not be placed on frozen subgrade; when air temperature is 38°F or below; when air temperature is below 42°F declining; when finishing cannot be completed during natural daylight.
(K) ADA requirements: at the junction of the sidewalk with each driveway and street, the sidewalk must be transitioned to meet any requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).
(Ord. 103-01, passed 5-15-01)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
The City of Sweeny, Texas.
Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.
Any vehicle designed or operated for the transportation of property, and whose payload rating is over one ton.
(Ord. 105-03, passed 4-15-03)
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any truck on any public street or right-of-way in the city, other than on state highways, which has a gross weight in excess of 50,000 pounds unless permitted by the city to do so. In the event a permit is required, an indemnity bond may be required to be posted with the city to cover possible damage to its streets, bridges, culverts or drainage easements, which may be damaged by the moving of said excessive weight loads over and along these streets.
(B) The indemnity bond of no less than $50,000 shall remain in force and effect for 90 days from the initial execution date of the permit. The amount of the bond shall be determined by guidelines established by the City Manager with reasonable consideration of the type of vehicle, the amount of excess weight, the distance to be traveled on the streets and the condition of the streets to be traveled.
(Ord. 105-03, passed 4-15-03)