(a)   In the Town Center (TC) Zoning District, the following uses are permitted by right:
      (1)   Retail store, meaning an establishment engaged in selling goods or merchandise to the general public for personal or household consumption and rendering services incidental to the sale of such goods, including tradespersons who provide services relating to tangible goods sold or repaired on the premises.
      (2)   Establishments primarily engaged in rendering services on a fee or contract basis to businesses or individuals, and whose uses require ground floor visibility to serve patrons on an unannounced or drop-in basis, that conduct a substantial part of their business face-to-face on the premises with their customers, and that maintain retail storefronts comparable to traditional retail sales operations, including display of goods and services for sale.
      (3)   Establishment serving food or beverages to the general public, such as a restaurant, café, retail bakery, confectionary or ice cream shop.
      (4)   Financial institution, such as a bank or savings and loan association.
      (5)   Art galleries and artist studios.
      (6)   School or studio for the arts and related fields, including music, dance, fine arts, fitness, and similar establishments.
      (7)   Educational or philanthropic uses, except those specifically listed as special exception.
      (8)   Religious institutions and their ancillary uses.
      (9)   Private clubs or fraternal organizations.
      (10)   Farmers' market.
      (11)   Government administration uses, including post office, community center, and libraries.
      (12)   Hotel, inn or bed and breakfast establishment.
      (13)   Professional offices located in structures meeting the following conditions at the time of enactment of this chapter:
         A.   The storefront façade does not exceed thirteen feet in width.
         B.   The ground floor leasable space does not exceed 600 square feet.
         C.   The window area does not exceed twenty-five square feet.
      (14)   For buildings existing as of the enactment date of this chapter, the following uses, provided that they do not occur adjacent to the sidewalk and on the ground floor of buildings unless the front of the building is set back ten feet or more from the front property line:
         A.   General Offices.
         B.   Professional Offices.
         C.   Dwelling, multi-family dwelling/apartment/residential condominium.
      (15)   Mixed-use development involving any of the above permitted uses.
      (16)   Permitted temporary use.
         A.   Campaign Office: In the Town Center District, subject to the conditions that no such office shall be opened or occupied more than 180 days prior to a general election or 90 days prior to a primary election for which the campaign is being conducted, or more than 60 days after such general election or 30 days after such primary election.
   (b)   Accessory Uses.
      (1)   Indoor storage provided that it is limited to the stock and related supplies of a permitted use and adjacent to the permitted use.
      (2)   Off-street parking, as further regulated by this chapter.
   (c)   Special Exceptions.
      (1)   Wireless communication facility with antennas.
      (2)   Off-premises billboards.
      (3)   A family day-care home facility, group home day-care facility, day-care center or nursery school.
      (4)   Congregate housing for the elderly.
      (5)   Long-term care facility.
      (6)   Mobile homes and mobile home parks.
      (7)   Light industrial.
      (8)   Transit facilities, including railroad stations.
      (9)   Any other use required by law to be permitted and not specifically permitted in any other zoning district and the exclusion of which would be unlawful.
      (10)   Family/caregiver suite (see Section 1264.18).
   (d)   Conditional Uses.
      (1)   Demolition of any building (see Section 1256.06).
      (2)   The use of architectural standards and designs that differ from those set forth below in Section 1256.03, 1256.04, and 1256.05 if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Borough Council that such standards and designs are in furtherance of the legislative intent of this chapter and of this subsection.
      (3)   Senior cooperative housing (subject to the criteria set forth in Sections 1264.11 and 1264.19).
(Ord. 1056. Passed 11-12-13; Ord. 1084. Passed 11-13-18; Ord. 1085. Passed 5-13-19; Ord. 06-2024. Passed 7-8-24.)