Chapter 204
Official Standards and Records
204.01   Borough Seal.
204.02   Borough records.
   Incorporation - see Borough Code Secs. 201 et seq. (53 .P. S. Secs. 45201 et seq.)
   Change of corporate title - see Borough Code Secs. 301 et seq. (53 P. S. Secs. 45301 et seq.)
   Recording, advertising and proof of ordinances - see Borough Code Sec. 1008(x) (53 P. S. Sec. 46008(a))
   Authority to make, alter and use a Borough Seal - see Borough Code Sec. 1201(3) (53 P. S. Sec. 46201(3))
   Fiscal year of Borough - see Borough Code Sec. 1301 (53 P. S. Sec. 46301)