Accessory loading and unloading facilities shall be provided prior to the occupancy of all business, service and industrial buildings hereafter erected and altered, and shall be maintained as long as such building is occupied or unless equivalent facilities are provided in conformance with the regulations of this Article.
   (A)   Authority of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission may waive the requirement for a loading and unloading facility based on the nature of the proposed use or the practical difficulties of adding such facilities to an existing building.
   (B)   Allocation of use. Space required and allocated for any off-street loading facility shall not, while so allocated, be used to satisfy the space requirements of off-street parking, nor be used for repairing or servicing motor vehicles.
   (C)   Location of facility. All required off-street loading areas shall be related to the building and use to be served to provide for loading and off-loading of delivery trucks and other service vehicles and shall be so arranged that they may be used without blocking or otherwise interfering with the use of access driveways, parking facilities, public streets or sidewalks.
   (D)   Minimum size criteria. Each loading space shall be sufficient to accommodate the largest vehicle anticipated.
   (E)   Required Loading Spaces. Accessory off-street loading spaces shall be provided as required in Schedule 150.385(E):
SCHEDULE 150.385(E)
Gross Floor Area of Building
Required Number of Loading Spaces
3,000 to 40,000 square feet
1 space
40,001 to 100,000 square feet
2 spaces
For each additional 100,000 square feet
1 additional space
(Ord. 2023-03, passed 2-27-2023)