Permits will be granted only to permittees legally occupying single-family dwellings within any zoning district in the village, an are specific to said single-family dwelling and not transferrable.
(Ord. 1765, passed 11-21-2016; Ord. 1774, passed 2-6-2017)
(A) Chickens must be kept in an enclosure or fenced area at all times. Chickens shall be secured within a hen house or chicken tractor during non-daylight hours.
(B) Enclosures must be kept in a clean, dry, odor-free, neat and sanitary condition at all times.
(C) Hen houses, chicken tractors and chicken pens must provide adequate ventilation and adequate sun and shade and must be impermeable to rodents, wild birds and predators, including dogs and cats.
(D) Hen houses and chicken tractors.
(1) Hen houses and chicken tractors shall be designed to provide safe and healthy living condition for the chickens with a minimum of four square feet per bird while minimizing adverse impacts to other residents in the neighborhood.
(a) A hen house or chicken tractor shall be enclosed on all sides and shall have a roof and doors. Access doors must be able to be shut and locked at night. Opening windows and vents must be covered with predator and bird proof wire of less than one-inch opening.
(b) The materials used in making a hen house or chicken tractor shall be uniform for each element of the structure such that the walls are made of the same material, the roof has the same shingles or other covering, and any windows or openings are constructed using the same materials. The use of scrap, waste board, sheet metal or similar materials is prohibited. Hen houses and chicken tractors shall be well maintained.
(2) Hen houses, chicken tractors and chicken pens shall only be located in the rear yard or side yard and within the required setbacks as required by the zoning code.
(3) Hen houses, chicken tractors and chicken pens must be located at least ten feet from the property line and at least 25 feet from any adjacent residential dwelling, church, school or place of business.
(E) Any enclosed chicken pen shall consist of sturdy wire fencing. The pen must be covered with wire, aviary netting or solid roofing.
(Ord. 1765, passed 11-21-2016) Penalty, see § 90.99
(A) Odors from chickens, chicken manure or other chicken related disturbances shall not be perceptible beyond the boundaries of the permitted tract of land.
(B) Noise from chickens shall not be loud enough beyond the boundaries of the permitted tract of land at the property boundaries to disturb persons of reasonable sensitivity.
(Ord. 1765, passed 11-21-2016) Penalty, see § 90.99
The permittee shall take necessary action to reduce the attraction of predators and rodents and the potential infestation of insects and parasites. Chickens found to be infested with insects and parasites that may result in unhealthy conditions to human habitation may be removed by an Animal Services Warden.
(Ord. 1765, passed 11-21-2016)
All stored manure shall be covered by a fully enclosed structure with a roof or lid over the entire structure. No more than three cubic feet of manure shall be stored on the permitted tract of land. All other manure not used for composting or fertilizing shall be removed. The hen house, chicken tractor, chicken pen and surrounding area must be kept free from trash and accumulated droppings. Uneaten feed shall be removed in a timely manner.
(Ord. 1765, passed 11-21-2016)