(A)   Each licensee shall provide an adequate number of vehicles to assure regular collection of refuse. Every such vehicle shall be kept in good repair and appearance, painted, maintained in a sanitary condition at all times, and shall be clearly marked with the name of the licensee. No such vehicle shall leak fluids, oil, hydraulic fluids or other such materials.
   (B)   Each vehicle shall also be water-tight and equipped with air-tight covers for such portions as are used for the transportation of garbage or similar refuse, so that offensive odors are not allowed to permeate the air and cause a nuisance within the village.
   (C)   The village reserves the right to inspect any vehicles used for collection in the village in order to assure that each is maintained in satisfactory condition and in accordance with the terms of this section. Upon finding any vehicle which is not in compliance, the licensee shall immediately provide a replacement and not return the offending vehicle to service until it has been properly repaired.
(Prior Code, § 7-105)