It shall be unlawful for an uninvited peddler or solicitor to visit any house, dwelling or residence for the purpose of making sales or soliciting order or donations before 8:00 a.m. or after sunset.
(Ord. 671, passed 10-11-2023) Penalty, see § 113.99
Every peddler and solicitor must carry on his or her person and display the sales and solicitation permit issued by the Village Clerk-Treasurer while engaged in sales or solicitations. Sales and solicitation permits are not transferable. Upon request from any person residing within the village upon who the licensed peddler or solicitor is soliciting, the peddler or solicitor shall provide a copy of the issued permit.
(Ord. 671, passed 10-11-2023)
Unpaid volunteers or other individuals who are not paid or otherwise compensated to sell or solicit on behalf of a non-profit organization, such as schools, scout troops, churches and other non-profits organizations, shall be exempt from the requirements set forth in the chapter except for such requirements identified in § 113.15. Organizations sponsoring or directing such sales or solicitations shall, upon request, provide documentation of the non-profit status of the organization. Nothing herein shall be construed to apply to persons canvassing residents within the village for religious, political or other non-commercial purposes.
(Ord. 671, passed 10-11-2023)
Mobile food vendors shall provide the Village Clerk-Treasurer a copy of a valid food permit issued by the state. A mobile food vendor may, in addition to the 30-day permit established herein, apply for an annual sales and solicitation permit for the sale of food.
(Ord. 671, passed 10-11-2023)
Any individual violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a minimum fine of $100 for the first offense, $250 for the second offense and $500 for the third and successive offenses in any 24-hour period with a maximum of $500 per offense and each day that maintenance of the same continues shall constitute a separate offense. In addition, the individual’s permit shall be revoked.
(Ord. 671, passed 10-11-2023)