(A)   Well permits. 
      (1)   It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to dig, drill or construct a well within the corporate limits of the municipality without first having obtained a permit therefor from the governing body.
      (2)   The applications for private well permits shall be obtained from the Clerk-Treasurer and shall set forth:
         (a)   The location of proposed well in conjunction with sewers: No well shall be located within 50 feet of any sewer line, private or public. No well shall be located within 500 feet of any septic tank or within 500 feet of any disposal field or with 1,000 feet of existing municipal wells;
         (b)   The location of proposed well in conjunction with water lines: No well shall be located within 25 feet of any water line public or private;
         (c)   The intended use of water: No water from the private wells shall be used for domestic purposes;
         (d)   The depth of proposed well;
         (e)   The size and type of casing to be installed;
         (f)   The pumping equipment to be used; and
         (g)   The name and address of well driller.
      (3)   Such application shall be accompanied by an application fee which shall cover the inspections, no part of which is refunded if the application is denied. The amount of the fee is on file at the Village Clerk-Treasurer’s office. Applications shall be valid for a time period of 90 days following payment of such fee, after which such permit is renewable.
      (4)   Closed loop heating pump systems are not considered wells for the purpose of this section, provided holes are not drilled into the water table.
(Prior Code, § 3-135)
   (B)   Temporary well permit. The municipality may grant a temporary well permit when an emergency is determined to exist for purposes other than lawn and garden irrigation. In granting said permit, the municipality may establish conditions under which said well is operated, including the purposes therefor, its location, the period of time during which such well shall be operated, conditions for the closing and capping of such well and such safety requirements as the governing body may provide and such other conditions as may protect the health and welfare of the municipality. The application for a temporary well permit shall give the same information as required for a regular well permit and shall be accompanied by an application fee, no part of which shall be refunded if the application is denied.
(Prior Code, § 3-136)
Penalty, see § 10.99