Littering shall be deemed a violation of this chapter and shall be enforced by the county in addition to any state-enforced laws and penalties for same. To that purpose, littering violations, if not immediately remedied by the offender, shall be referred to state law enforcement authorities for prosecution in addition to local enforcement measures.
(Ord. passed 8-17-2009) Penalty, see § 110.99
(A) The purpose of this section is to promote the public safety, health and welfare of the citizens of Surry County through regulation of public health nuisances in the county.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to create a public health nuisance on any parcel of land or allow a nuisance to remain on his, her or their property.
(Ord. passed 8-17-2009) Penalty, see § 110.99
(A) It shall be unlawful to bury in the earth or submerge in a body of water solid waste materials for the purpose of disposal. Exceptions to this regulation are those materials approved by the Division of Waste Management for filling low lying areas such as: concrete, cinder block, brick, rock, asphalt or granite.
(B) Permitted landfill sites approved by the Division of Waste Management and otherwise compliant with applicable state and federal laws are exempt from the regulation of this section.
(Ord. passed 8-17-2009) Penalty, see § 110.99
(A) The sanitary landfills of Surry County may be used for the disposal of solid wastes by any person who is a resident or property owner of Surry County during regular hours of operation of the landfill. Solid wastes shall be disposed of at the landfill in the manner and according to the procedures required by the landfill manager or his or her representative.
(B) The following wastes may not be disposed of in the landfills without permission of the landfill manager or his or her representative:
(1) Bulky wastes;
(2) Construction and demolition wastes;
(3) Tires, unless they have been quartered or shredded;
(4) Infectious wastes; and/or
(5) Wet sludge.
(C) Radioactive wastes shall not be disposed of in the landfills.
(Ord. passed 8-17-2009) Penalty, see § 110.99
(A) Solid wastes may be deposited in receptacles provided by the county.
(B) All solid wastes shall be deposited inside the solid waste receptacle. No solid waste may be left at the solid waste disposal site outside the receptacle.
(C) The following wastes may not be deposited in solid waste receptacles:
(1) Hazardous wastes;
(2) Liquid wastes;
(3) Infectious wastes;
(4) Radioactive wastes;
(5) Bulky wastes;
(6) Tires;
(7) Construction and demolition wastes; and/or
(8) Burning or smoldering materials or any other materials that would create a fire hazard.
(D) No person may remove any item from a solid waste receptacle, climb on or into a receptacle or damage any receptacle.
(Ord. passed 8-17-2009) Penalty, see § 110.99
(A) No person shall engage in business as a solid waste collector except as holder of a valid license or permit issued by the state’s Division of Waste Management pursuant to the policies and procedure prescribed by that agency, by the Solid Waste Act of 2007, and by any subsequent amendment to that Act.
(B) No license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be assignable.
(Ord. passed 8-17-2009) Penalty, see § 110.99
(A) The Board of County Commissioners may issue exclusive and non-exclusive franchises authorizing persons to collect, transport and dispose of solid wastes and describing the area for which the franchise is issued.
(B) No person may be issued a franchise by the Board of County Commissioners unless he or she holds a license issued by the Division of Waste Management to engage in the business of solid waste collection.
(C) Applications for franchises shall be filed with the Board of County Commissioners through the County Manager, on forms prescribed by the County Manager and shall include a copy of the applicant’s license application to the Division of Waste Management and any other information the County Manager deems pertinent. A valid Certificate of Insurance (COI) must accompany the application with a minimum coverage of $1,000,000.
(D) The Board of County Commissioners may grant a franchise only upon finding that the applicant will render prompt, efficient and continuing service to the area for which the franchise is granted and that the applicant has sufficient equipment and personnel to render service to all persons generating solid wastes within the service area.
(E) The Board of County Commissioners shall determine the area for which a franchise is granted.
(F) The Board of County Commissioners shall set or approve all fees charged by solid waste collectors before granting a franchise. The Board may classify fees according to whether residential, commercial, institutional or industrial customers are served, so that reasonable compensation may be provided in accordance with the public interest. Fee schedules may be amended by the Board from time to time.
(G) A franchise shall be for a term of three years and shall be renewable.
(H) A solid waste collector franchised under this chapter shall present to each prospective customer, in advance of any agreement with that customer, a schedule of his or her fees, as authorized by this chapter, to be charged. All solid wastes shall be removed from the customer’s premises at least once a week; provided, the customer is no more than 30 days in arrears in payment of the required collection fees.
(I) The Board of County Commissioners may grant temporary franchises for the collection, transportation or disposal of solid wastes to provide service in the event of abandonment of an existing franchise or for other cause.
(J) All disputes regarding the granting of a franchise and disagreements concerning franchised areas shall be resolved by the Board.
(K) No franchise shall be assignable.
(L) A solid waste collector granted a franchise under this chapter shall give 60 days’ written notice to the Board of County Commissioners before abandoning the franchise.
(M) The Board of County Commissioners may terminate or suspend all or any portion of a franchise for any of the following reasons:
(1) Loss of the franchisee’s license to operate as a solid waste collector;
(2) Failure of the franchisee to comply with the authorized fee schedules;
(3) Failure of the franchisee to render prompt and effective service as determined by the Board of County Commissioners to persons within his or her service area; or
(4) Failure of the franchisee to comply with any provision of this chapter or applicable regulations of the Division of Waste Management.
(Ord. passed 8-17-2009) Penalty, see § 110.99