A. All exterior lighting installed after the effective date hereof in any and all zoning districts in the City shall be in conformance with the requirements established by this chapter and any other applicable ordinances. All existing lighting installed prior to the effective date hereof in any and all zoning districts shall be addressed as follows.
B. All existing exterior lighting located on a subject property that is part of an application for design review approval, a conditional use permit, subdivision approval, or a building permit is required to be brought into conformance with this article before issuance of a certificate of occupancy, final inspection or final plat recordation, when applicable.
C. Lighting Plans Required: All applications for design review approval, a conditional use permit, subdivision approval, or a building permit shall include lighting plans showing location, type, height, color temperature, lumen output and amount of all proposed and existing fixtures. A photometric illumination study shall be required for all development in Commercial zoning districts and for complex residential lighting projects, as determined by Community Development Department staff. The applicant shall provide enough information to verify that lighting conforms to the provisions of this chapter. The Community Development Director, Commission and/or Building Official shall have the authority to request additional information in order to achieve the purposes of this chapter.
D. All existing exterior lighting in any and all zoning districts in the City that is not in conformance with the chapter, shall be brought into conformance by August 1, 2025. (Ord. 543, 9-3-2020)