7-4-10: ABATEMENT:
   A.   The City may inspect for and investigate right-of-way encroachments. The City may pursue abatement and remediation of noncompliant and unpermitted encroachments.
   B.   Encroaching property owners who enjoy any non-permitted encroachment, regardless of their action or responsibility in creating said encroachment, will be found responsible for its abatement.
   C.   Property owners immediately appurtenant to an identified encroachment will be notified by certified mail of the encroachment and the City's intent to abate. Notified property owners will have sixty (60) days to remediate the encroachment, at their own expense, before the City abates the encroachment.
   D.   The City, in abating the nuisance, may opt to seek repayment of expenses from the offending property owner. (Ord. 526, 10-4-2018)