(A)   Every window, exterior door, and hatchway or similar device shall be so constructed as to exclude insects during that portion of the year when there is a need for protection against mosquitoes, flies, and other flying insects.
   (B)   Every dwelling, multiple dwelling, rooming house, or accessory structure and the premises on which it is located shall be maintained in a rat-free and rat-proof condition.
      (1)   All openings in the exterior walls, foundations, basements, ground or first floors, and roofs which have a half-inch diameter or more opening shall be rat-proofed in an approved manner if they are within 48 inches of the existing exterior ground level immediately below the openings, or if they may be reached by rats from the ground by climbing unguarded pipes, wires, cornices, stairs, roofs, and other items, such as trees or vines, or by burrowing.
      (2)   All windows located at or near ground level, used or intended to be used for ventilation, all other openings located at or near ground level, and all exterior doorways which might provide an entry for rats, shall be supplied with adequate screens or other devices as will effectively prevent the entrance of rats into the structure.
      (3)   All sewers, pipes, drains, or conduits and openings around the pipes and conduits shall be constructed to prevent the ingress or egress of rats to, or from, a building.
      (4)   Interior floors of basements, cellars, and other areas in contact with the soil shall be rat-proofed in an approved manner.
      (5)   Any materials used for rat-proofing shall be acceptable to the town.
(1995 Code, § 151.056) Penalty, see § 151.999