(A)   Any person, firm, or corporation receiving the notice provided for in § 150.41 of this chapter, shall, at the time stated in the notice, remove or loosen its wires along or across the street so as to permit the building to pass along the same, but no person, firm, or corporation shall be required to remove or loosen the wires until 24 hours after the notice has been served, and the reasonable expense of removing or loosening the wires shall be paid by the owner of the building.
   (B)   If any person, firm, or corporation, after being served with the notice as aforesaid, shall fail or refuse to remove or loosen any wire or wires owned or controlled by them so as to permit the moving of the building, then the person holding the permit to move the building may cause the wires to be removed or loosened taking care to avoid unnecessary damage, but shall, immediately after the building has passed, replace the wires as they were and repair all damage done thereto.
(1995 Code, § 150.42)