The following requirements shall apply:
   (A)   (1)   Any person, firm, or corporation desiring to engage in the business of itinerant merchant, as herein defined, within the town, shall make an application in writing to the Clerk-Treasurer for a license to do so, which application shall be filed with the Clerk-Treasurer at least three days before the applicant shall be authorized to begin business.  The application shall state the name and residence of the applicant, the place where the business is to be conducted, the kind of goods to be sold, and length of time for which license is desired.  Upon the filing of the application and bond, and the approval of the bond by the Clerk-Treasurer, a license shall be issued by the Clerk-Treasurer to the applicant to begin business not less than three days after the date of filing the application and bond, upon the payment of the following fees:
License Term
For one day
For one week
For one month
      (2)   All the license fees must be paid in advance, and if any licensee desires to continue in business after the expiration of the license, a new license must be secured in the same manner and upon the same terms as the original license.
   (B)   Any person desiring to engage in the business of solicitor, as defined in this chapter, within the town, shall before engaging in business, file with the Clerk-Treasurer of the town, an application containing name, address, and the firm or corporation which is to be represented and the kind of goods to be offered for sale, and the length of time during which he or she desires to engage in this business. Upon filing of the statement and bond with the Clerk-Treasurer, the Clerk-Treasurer shall issue to the applicant a certificate authorizing engagement in the business of solicitor within the town during the time requested in the application.
   (C)   All orders taken by solicitors within the town shall be in writing in duplicate, stating the terms thereof and the amount paid in advance, and one copy of the order shall be given to the purchaser.
(1995 Code, § 110.03) Penalty, see § 110.99