§ 91.99  PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person in violation of the provisions of § 91.01 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $100 and not exceeding $500 each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue and each day shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such.
   (B)   Any person who violates any provision of § 91.02 shall be liable for all reasonable and customary expenses incurred by the town resulting from the violation, including, but not limited to, reimbursement for food, board, or disposal of the animal. Any violation shall be considered a Class A infraction and fined not less than $50 and not exceeding $500. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day that a violation occurs or continues. Any nuisance created by any animal under § 91.02 shall be enjoined or abated.
   (C)   Any person violating § 91.03 shall be fined not less than $100 and not exceeding $500 per offense. On a second violation, the Animal Control Officer or other town official is authorized to immediately destroy any vicious animal.
(1995 Code, § 91.99)  (Ord. 1976-5, passed 5-20-1976; Ord. 1-2005, passed 11-17-2005; Ord. 2008-1, passed 10-16-2008)