(A)   Definitions.  For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      VICIOUS ANIMAL. An animal that has shown itself to be dangerous to humans or has the natural propensity or reputation as being dangerous.
      WILD ANIMAL. An animal that is naturally untamable, unpredictable, dangerous, or mischievous.
   (B)   Duty of owner. Any vicious or wild animal must be properly secured and restrained at all times, either by confinement in a house building, pen, fence, or other enclosure sufficient to prevent the animal from escaping and roaming at large, or by adequate physical control exercised by owner sufficient to prevent damage to property or person or nuisance to the public.
   (C)   Authority to destroy vicious animals. The Animal Control Officer, or other town official, is authorized to immediately destroy any vicious or wild animal, which cannot be safely captured, kept in custody by usual and available means, or which is observed to be attacking a person or other animal.
(Ord. 2008-1, passed 10-16-2008)