§ 51.020  ILLEGAL TAP.
   (A)    It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to continue discharging any waters into the sanitary sewer system of the town (such as, downspouts, sump pumps and the like) after receiving written notice from the town notifying the owner to disconnect within a period of 90 days from the receipt of the notice.
   (B)   In the event any person, firm, or corporation who receives notice from the town to disconnect an illegal tap and fails to do so within the time required herein, the town shall be authorized to disconnect and the costs thereof shall be billed to the property owner, and if not paid, shall be certified to the County Auditor and collected as other rates and charges are collected.
   (C)   Any person, firm, or corporation who willfully makes any unauthorized tap to the town’s sanitary sewer system shall be subject to immediate arrest under a charge of disorderly conduct.
(1995 Code, § 51.020)  (Ord. 1976-4, passed 3-31-1976) Penalty, see § 51.999