(a)   All employees of the Village shall be categorized as full-time, part-time, temporary, seasonal, intermittent, contractual or interim.
      (1)   Full-time employee - An employee who works 40 hours per week on a regularly scheduled basis or on the standard full-time workweek as designated by the Hiring Authority. In no case shall an employee be considered full-time if he/she works less than thirty (30) hours per week.
      (2)   Part-time employee - An employee who works less than full-time as designated by the Hiring Authority, but on a regularly scheduled basis.
      (3)   Temporary Employee - An employee who works in a position which is of temporary nature which position has a specified duration of time. Temporary employment can be on a full-time or part-time schedule.
      (4)   Intermittent employee- An employee who works on an irregular schedule which is determined by the fluctuating demands of the work and is generally not predictable. Such employees are called into work on an "as needed" basis.
      (5)   Seasonal employee- An employee who works on a reoccurring, but temporary, basis annually (e.g., recreational employees who only work during fair weather months).
      (6)   Independent Contractor- An individual who offers a specified service for a specific length of time. Such employees are not considered payroll employees. Such employees shall be compensated for only the actual service rendered.
      (7)   Interim employee - An employee who works for an indefinite period of time, fixed by the length of absence of an employee due to sickness, disability or any other approved leave of absence. The work period shall continue only during such period of sickness, disability or approved leave of absence.
      (8)   Auxiliary Police Officers - Refer to Section 129.01.
   (b)   Full-time employees shall be entitled to all benefits as provided by the Village. Part-time, temporary, seasonal, contractual, interim and intermittent employees shall be entitled to only those benefits which are specifically extended to them in this chapter.
   (c)   All full-time employees may only work for one department within the Village. This also applies to the Police Department. For purposes of this chapter, the billing clerk/receptionist is considered to be working for one department. The Mayor and/or Administrator may deviate from this paragraph if deemed necessary for the best interest of the Village. The purpose of this paragraph is to decrease overtime as much as possible.
   (d)   All employees should follow their chain of command within their department and the Village as per the Village Organizational Chart. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
(Ord. 2011-11. Passed 7-6-11.)