(A)   When a claim is made or a civil action is commenced against an officer or an employee of Summit Township, for injuries to persons or properties caused by negligence of the officer or employee while in the course of employment and while acting within the scope of his or her authority, Summit Township will pay for, engage, or furnish the services of an attorney to advise the office or employee as to the claim and to appear for and represent the officer or employee in the action.
   (B)   Summit Township may compromise, settle, and pay the claim before or after the commencement of a civil action.
   (C)   Whenever a judgment for damages awarded against an officer or an employee of Summit Township as a result of a civil action for personal injuries or property damage caused by the officer or employee all in the course of employment or acting within the scope of his or her authority, Summit Township will indemnify the officer or employee or pay, settle, or compromise the judgment.
   (D)   When a criminal action is commenced against an officer or employee of Summit Township based upon the conduct of the officer or employee in the course of employment, if the employee or officer had a reasonable basis for believing that he or she was acting within the scope of his or her authority at the time of the alleged conduct, the Summit Township will pay for, engage, or furnish the services of an attorney to advise the officer or employee as to the action, and to appear for and represent the officer or employee in the action.
   (E)   These resolutions shall not impose any liability upon Summit Township.
(Res. passed 4-10-2001; Am. Res. passed 9-14-2004)