§ 150.190 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of this subchapter is to regulate on-site and outdoor advertising to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare, to protect property values, and to protect the character of the various neighborhoods in the township.
   (B)   The principal features are the restriction of advertising to the use of the premises on which the sign is located and restrictions by zoning district of the total sign area and height.
   (C)   Any sign placed on land or on a building for the purpose of identification or for advertising a use conducted on the premises shall be deemed an accessory use.
   (D)   It is intended that the display of signs will be appropriate to the land, building, or use to which they are an accessory and be adequate, but not excessive, for the intended purpose of identification or advertisement.
   (E)   With respect to signs advertising business uses, it is specifically intended, among other things, to avoid excessive competition and clutter among sign displays.
   (F)   Outdoor advertising signs (billboards), which advertise products or businesses not connected with the site or building on which they are located, are deemed to constitute a principle use of a lot.
(Ord. -, Article V, § 5.2.1, passed 9-12-2006; Am. Ord. passed - -)