§ 150.172 FENCES.
   (A)   Fence heights.
      (1)   Residential districts.
         (a)   Fences in all residential districts, whether or not the same fully enclose a property, shall not exceed 6 feet in height as measured from ground level in side yards and backyards.
         (b)   Fencing in front yards shall not exceed 4 feet in height, as measured from ground level.
         (c)   Front yards, for the discussion of fencing, are defined as the property located between the street/road right-of-way and the front facade of the building.
         (d)   Yards bordering any street right-of-way shall be considered front yards.
         (e)   In all cases, ground level does not include berms, but would include any terracing needed to make a yard usable.
      (2)   Other districts.
         (a)   Fences in all other districts shall not exceed 6 feet in height, except as otherwise required by this chapter or the Planning Commission in the site plan review process.
         (b)   Fences in commercial, office, and industrial districts may be required to exceed 6 feet in height where the same abut office or residential districts.
   (B)   Fencing material requirements.
         (a)   In no case shall barbed wire be used in any residential, office, or commercial district and razor wire will only be used in those districts to secure essential services.
         (b)   Application can be made to the Zoning Board of Appeals for deviating from these requirements in the Rural Non-Farm District.
         (c)   In all cases, the fronts of fences shall face street rights-of-way and adjoining properties.
   (C)   Fence permit requirements.
      (1)   A fencing permit is required for the erection of all fences.
      (2)   A site plan with the location of the proposed fencing and its position in regards to street/road rights-of-way and the main structure on the site shall be submitted to the township using the building application.
      (3)   The fee for the permit shall be established by the Township Board.
(Ord. -, Article V, § 5.15, passed 9-12-2006) Penalty, see § 150.999