(A)   Generally. A person is a DISORDERLY PERSON if the person is any of the following, or the person aids or abets another to do such an act or engage in any practice so as to be.
   (B)   Specifically: crimes against persons.
      (1)   A person who commits an assault or assault and battery against another person;
      (2)   A person who spits or expectorates on, at, or toward another person;
      (3)   A person who maliciously telephones any other person for the purpose of harassing, molesting, threatening, intimidating, or annoying the other person or his or her family, whether or not conversation ensues. A person may be prosecuted under this section if the call originates or is received by a person in this township.
   (C)   Specifically: obstruction of government business.
      (1)   A person who bribes, attempts to bribe, offers any service or anything of value to any peace officer or other public official in order to influence the peace officer or other public official to neglect their duties or responsibilities as a peace officer or public official;
      (2)   A person who knowingly or willfully conceals or harbors for the purpose of concealment from a peace officer a person who has escaped or is escaping from lawful custody or a person with an active arrest warrant or an active bench warrant;
      (3)   A person who falsely identifies or falsely represents themselves as, wears the uniform of, displays the badge of, or otherwise impersonates a peace officer, firefighter, paramedic or other emergency service worker when the person is not actually employed in such a capacity;
      (4)   A person who makes a false report, by telephone or otherwise, to any public official which may reasonably be expected to cause the evacuation or closing of a building or place open to the public. A person may be prosecuted under this section if the call originates in the township or causes the evacuation or closing of a building or place open to the public in the township;
      (5)   A person who knowingly and willfully raises or activates a false fire alarm by:
         (a)   Ringing any bell or operating any mechanical apparatus, electrical apparatus or combination thereof;
         (b)   Falsely declaring there to be a fire orally, by telephone or in person, in any public place or private property;
      (6)   A person who opens, tampers with or damages a fire hydrant without proper authority;
      (7)   A person who willfully and maliciously damages, destroys, injures, defaces, dismantles, tampers with, or removes a traffic control device;
      (8)    A person who knowingly has in his or her possession any blank, forged, stolen, fictitious, counterfeit, or unlawfully issued driver license or identification card of any state or any instrument in the similitude of a driver license or identification card of any state.
   (D)   Specifically: crimes against public peace and morals.
      (1)   A person who is intoxicated in a public place and who is either endangering directly the safety of another person or of property or is acting in a manner that causes a public disturbance;
      (2)   A person who disturbs the public peace and quiet by engaging in a disturbance, fight, quarrel, or altercation in a public place;
      (3)   A person who is found jostling, shoving, pushing, or roughly crowding people without permission in a public place;
      (4)   A person who urinates or defecates in a public place, or a person who intentionally urinates or defecates in any area of a restroom open to the public other than a toilet or urinal;
      (5)   A person who knowingly attends, frequents, operates, or loiters in or about a place where gambling, the illegal sale of intoxicating liquor, controlled substances, or any other illegal business or occupation is permitted or conducted;
      (6)   A person who, without authority, acts alone or as a group, to obstruct or interfere with the free, convenient, and normal use of any public place, or the ingress, egress, and regress of private property by hindering or impeding the free and uninterrupted passage of vehicles, traffic or pedestrians. A peace officer must not make an arrest for this section without first ordering the violating person to cease their conduct and move on or disperse, or to remove any obstructions;
      (7)   Any person, 18 years of age or older, who accosts, solicits, or invites another in any public place, or in or from any building or vehicle, by word, gesture, or any other means, to commit prostitution or to do any other lewd or immoral act;
      (8)   A person who invites, entices, coaxes, persuades, or induces by threat, promise, or false statement, any minor child under the age of 18 years to enter any motor vehicle or conveyance, or private property or place, except where the parent or guardian of that child has given that person express consent. This section does not prohibit school personnel, peace officers, public safety officials, public health, or social worker personnel from carrying out the nominal duties of their employment;
      (9)   A person who knowingly makes any open or indecent exposure of his or her person or the person of another in any public place;
      (10)   A minor, 16 years of age or younger, who is in a public place or on a public street or sidewalk between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.; provided, however, that this section does not apply to a minor who is:
         (a)   Accompanied by the minor's parent or guardian;
         (b)   In a motor vehicle involved in interstate travel;
         (c)   Engaged in an employment activity, or going to or returning home from an employment activity, without any detour or stop;
         (d)   Involved in an emergency;
         (e)   On the sidewalk abutting the minor's residence or abutting the residence of a next-door neighbor if the neighbor did not complain to the Police Department about the minor's presence;
         (f)   Attending an official school, religious, or other recreational activity supervised by adults and sponsored by a unit of government, a civic organization, or another similar entity that takes responsibility for the minor, or going to or returning from, without any detour or stop, an official school, religious, or other recreational activity supervised by adults and sponsored by a unit of government, a civic organization, or another similar entity that takes responsibility for the minor;
         (g)   Exercising First Amendment rights protected by the United States Constitution, such as the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, and the right of assembly.
      (11)   A person who commits any act of prostitution.
   (E)   (1)   Specifically: weapons.
      (2)   A person who knowingly carries or possesses any of the following in a public place:
         (a)   A knife having a blade over 3 inches in length;
         (b)   A switchblade, or a knife of any length having the appearance of a pocket knife in which the blade or blades can be opened by the flick of a button, pressure on a handle or other mechanical contrivance;
         (c)   A dangerous or deadly weapon or instrument, other than a firearm, designed or adapted to be used against another person.
   (F)   Specifically: alcohol and controlled substances.
      (1)   A person who knowingly possesses any open intoxicant or consumes any alcoholic beverages, beer, liquor, spirits, or controlled substance while in or upon a public street, sidewalk, or non-licensed public place;
      (2)   A person who, for the purpose of causing a condition of intoxication, euphoria, excitement, exhilaration, stupefaction or dulling of the senses or nervous system, intentionally smells or inhales the fumes of any chemical agent or intentionally drinks, eats or otherwise introduces any chemical agent into his or her respiratory or circulatory system, except as permitted for medical or dental purposes;
      (3)   A person who smokes or uses a tobacco product on the property of any public, private or parochial school during any day classes, sports activities or other events are held at the school.
   (G)   Specifically: crimes against property.
      (1)   A person who willfully and maliciously destroys, damages, vandalizes or injures the property of another person, business or entity;
      (2)   A person who breaks and enters, or enters without breaking, without first obtaining permission to enter from the owner, occupant, agent, or person having immediate control of:
         (a)   Any dwelling house, structure, or any other type of building, whether occupied or unoccupied;
         (b)   Any boat, ship, railroad car, truck, trailer, motor vehicle or any other type of vehicle, vessel or conveyance;
         (c)   Any construction site for any structure being built;
         (d)   Any portion of a store, apartment building or other commercial establishment that is not intended for access to patrons or tenants, provided that the area is either locked, conspicuously labeled as an area being restricted to employees, or otherwise conspicuously marked in a manner that would lead a reasonable person to believe entry would not be permitted by the owner or agent.
      (3)   A person who willfully and maliciously burns, damages, or destroys by fire or explosive any building, structure, hotel, motel, vehicle, personal property or its contents. This section applies regardless of whether the person owns the building, structure, hotel, motel, vehicle or its contents, or the personal property;
      (4)   A person who uses, arranges, places, devises, or distributes an inflammable, combustible, or explosive material, liquid, or substance or any device in or near a building, structure, other real property, vehicle or personal property with the intent to commit arson or who aids, counsels, induces, persuades, or procures another to do so;
      (5)   A person who, with the intent to defraud or cheat, makes or uses a false pretense to:
         (a)   Cause a person to grant, convey, assign, demise, lease, or mortgage land or an interest in land;
         (b)   Obtain a person's signature on a forged written instrument;
         (c)   Obtain from a person any money or personal property or the use of any instrument, facility, article, or other valuable thing or service;
         (d)   By means of a false weight or measure obtain a larger amount or quantity of property than was bargained for; or
         (e)   By means of a false weight or measure sell or dispose of a smaller amount or quantity of property than was bargained for.
      (6)   A person who, with the intent to defraud, writes or delivers a check drawn on a bank or financial institution to any person, business or entity, knowing or having reason to known there are insufficient funds in the account of the person's bank or financial institution to pay the check in full;
      (7)   A person who as the agent, servant, or employee of another person, governmental entity within this township, or other legal entity or who as the trustee, bailee, or custodian of the property of another person, governmental entity within this township, or other legal entity fraudulently disposes of or converts to his or her own use, or takes or secretes with the intent to convert to his or her own use without the consent of his or her principal, any money or other personal property of his or her principal that has come to that person's possession or that is under his or her charge or control by virtue of his or her being an agent, servant, employee, trustee, bailee, or custodian;
      (8)   A person who buys, receives, possesses, conceals, or aides in the concealment of stolen, embezzled, or converted money, goods, or property knowing, or having reason to know or reason to believe, that the money, goods, or property is stolen, embezzled, or converted;
      (9)   A person who procures any food, drink, entertainment, accommodation or service from any restaurant, bar, tavern, inn, hotel, motel, theater, taxi service or other business and fails to pay for such;
      (10)   A person who discharges a fire extinguisher in public or on the premises or in the residence of another, without permission of the owner or occupant thereof, other than with the intent to extinguish a fire;
      (11)   A person who disables, or attempts to disable, in whole or in part, any motor vehicle owned or operated by another person, by any means, including, but not limited to: deflating tires attached to the motor vehicle or placing a foreign substance in the motor vehicle's fuel tank;
      (12)   A person who throws or propels any snowball, rock, missile, or object from or at a moving vehicle;
      (13)   A person who knowingly has in his or her possession any tool, implement, device, chemical or substance, designed and/or adapted for cutting or burning through, forcing or breaking open any building, room, vault, safe, vehicle or other depository, in order to steal therefrom any money or other property, knowing the same to be designed and/or adapted for said purpose and with intent to use or employ the same for said purpose;
      (14)   A person who, without permission of the owner or person in control of any mailbox or mail receptacle, breaks open or opens without breaking any mailbox or mail receptacle, or who steals from, or removes mail from any mailbox or mail receptacle.
   (H)   Specifically: trespassing.
      (1)   A person who prowls about or enters upon any alley or the private premises of another person in the nighttime, without authority or the permission of the owner of the premises;
      (2)   A person who, without permission, peeps or peers into the windows of any inhabited place that he or she does not own or occupy;
      (3)   A person who willfully enters or remains on the lands or premises of another without lawful authority after having been forbidden to do so by the owner, occupant, agent, or servant of the owner or occupant. For the purposes of this section, a clearly visible sign which reads "No Trespassing" acts as sufficient warning by the owner, occupant, agent, or servant of the owner or occupant forbidding a person from entering onto the lands or premises without invitation;
      (4)   A person who willfully enters the lands or premises of another and who neglects or refuses to depart from the land or premises of another after being notified by the owner, occupant, agent or servant of the owner or occupant to depart therefrom;
      (5)   A person who rides, drives or passes through the premises of a place of business as a shortcut or means of travel without intending to transact business on the premises.
   (I)   Specifically: traffic.
      (1)   A person who knowingly operates a motor vehicle or motorcycle upon a highway in the township, or a person who knowingly permits a motor vehicle or motorcycle owned by that person to be operated upon a highway in the township, without security or insurance as required by the state Insurance Code of 1956, being Public Act 218 of 1956 and any amendments thereof. For the purposes of this section, a negative electronic insurance verification from any computer connected to the Secretary of State at the time of a violation, combined with a person's failure to provide evidence of security or insurance at the time of the a violation, creates a rebuttable presumption in a prosecution under this section that the motor vehicle or motorcycle did not have in full force and effect insurance or security;
      (2)   A person who operates or rides a motorcycle, moped, or other motor vehicle, except motorized wheelchairs, upon a bicycle path, recreational path or trail, or a sidewalk regularly laid out and constructed for the use of pedestrians, not including a crosswalk or driveway;
      (3)   A person, without proper authority, who willfully enters upon the closed portion of any highway or removes the barriers therefrom, or who removes, obliterates or defaces any sign or mark, or who extinguishes or removes any light placed or maintained by the public.
(Ord. 29.05, passed 1-11-2022; Am. Ord. 20.04, passed 11-15-2022; Am. Ord. 164, passed 12-13-2022)