§ 30.40 AUTHORITY.
   (A)   It is in the best interests of the municipality to expedite the handling and prosecution of building, electrical, plumbing, and zoning violations.
   (B)   The Township Attorney hereby is authorized by the Township Board for the Township of Summit to institute the criminal or civil proceedings as are brought to his or her attention by the various inspectors, boards, or commissions, supervisor, president, and/or police department without additional action being required by this Board.
   (C)   This section shall constitute complete and absolute authority for the attorney to commence the actions without further action or vote of this Board.
   (D)   This section affirms and ratifies all previous civil and criminal actions brought in the name of this township.
   (E)   This authorization extends to each and every ordinance in full force and effect in the township.
(Res. passed 6-14-1994)